The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, May 01, 1894, Image 14

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    Ex-'92. D. L, Sommerville is now located at
Jersey Shore, Pa.
'92. J. F. Shields has been made a professor
of mathematics in the Adelphi Academy, Brook
'92. T. 0. Glenn, who next year. will be grad
uated as a medical .student at the University of
Cincinnati, is at home for the summer vacation.
'9o. P. G. Gossler has found it necessary to
give up his post-graduate work at Columbia Col
lege, as his entire services have been required by
the United Light and Power Co.
Ex-'B9. J. F. L. Morris, one of the founders of
the FREE LANCE, is now taking a 'course in the
law school at Dickinson college.
Ex-'BB. H. H. Pennabaker is employed and
has interests in some copper mines in North
'B9. W. B. N. Hawk has left the Cambria Iron
Co., to accept the position assistant chemist
with the Johnson Co., Johnstown, Pa.
'B5. The Stanley Electric Co., Pittsfield Mass.,
of which C. C. Chesney is an electrical engineer
and a stockholder, is contemplating large exten
sions during the present year.
'B2. J. G. White has united with 0, T. Crosby
under the name of White, Crosby and Co:, and
Electrical engineers and contractors.
M. J. Thompson, instructor in mathematics
was visited by his cousin Rev. E W. Thompson,
of Havana, 111. He was highly delighted with
the college and its surroundings.
It is very seldom that five men of a class of four
years' graduation gather together at such a com
paratively unimportant event as a handicap meet
ing, yet such was the case when five '9O men ;
Walker, Jackson, Leyden, McLean and Beaver
assembled on Beaver Field, April 28th. An im
promptu class meeting was held, and it was unani
mously decided that the first named gentleman
should set it up to the Crowd.'
Judge John M. Greer, of Butler, Penna., gave
the college a short visit during the first part of
this month. Judge Greer'is a warm friend of the
institution and we are always glad to have him
with us.
Tne members of the Greek fraternities in the
colleges number rbooo.
The largest University in the world is at Cairo
It has ro,ooo students. It. was founded A. D
Three American girls have entered the Univer
sity of Gottingen by special permission of the
German government.
At Boston University the faculty has voted to
permit work on the college paper to count as
work in the course, allowing seven hours per
week to the managing editor and two hours to
each of his assistants.
Cornell has been presented with a McEwen zoo
horse power steam engine, for use in driving elec
trical machinery, where exact speeds are essential.
The engine is guaranteed not to vary one revolu
tion per minute under any load.
The Freshmen of Midland college have adopted
the following class yell : "Rah! Rah ! Rah !
Class of '97 ! When we leave the earth we ex
pect to go to heaven !" "Expect"—These men
ought to remember that there is a verse about
the Freshman who was too green to burn, yet old
Satan is as fond of Freshmen as Seniors or any
other class of men.
An Inter-collegiate debating union is being or
ganized by the leading colleges of the country.
We have our Inter-collegiate foot-ball, base-ball
And athletic contests,—physical contests and the
colleges are bropght into spiritual contact through
the college V. M. C. A. Why not than •have our
intellectual contests ? There is no reason why we
should not.