WHAT a little energy and perseverance can accomplish is well shown by the success ful trip of the Glee and Banjo Club last vacation. Starting in at Williamsport on Thurs day evening of vacation week, they gave a series of six concerts, visiting beside Williamsport,— Beech Creek, Clearfield, Tyrone, Altoona and Bellefonte. The appreciation shown at the different places was most flattering. At Williamsport and Altoona the club was royally received, a reception being tendered them after the performance, at both pla ces. Besides being successful in a general way the management was able to meet all expenses in curred on the trip. Now that we have a good or ganization, it should not be allowed to die out, but should appear every year as regularly as any of the athletic teams. * tit .4 AT the Indoor Meeting of the Athletic Association, we heard some statements made by new men, which started the train bf thought we herewith submit to our fel low students by request. Regarding the small attendance and the lack of class or college spirit, the speakers expressed surprise and quoted other institutions as being more respected and loved by alumni and undergraduates than was P. S. C. While perhaps* this may appear to be true to the casual observer, it is totally false in reality, as our attitude and enthusiasm in Inter-collegiate matters testify. Surely our Alumni are as enthusi astic in their praise of Alma Mater as could be de sired*and their efforts in her behalf are unabated, in truth we owe much to them. That the student body recognizes the College is fulfilling its trust eeship, is undoubted. Its loyalty needs no proof. How then abate the criticism, if indeed it consti tutes one? Are they right when they say that college spirit is secondary to fraternity or class spirit? that we do not give our allegiance first and foremost to the blue and white? L4t us 199 k into this--How many of us have THE FREE LANCE. come here through the influence and efforts of an upper class man ? Not so many as should, or as will, if our coming suggestion is followed out. Our duty, nay, our high privilege, should impel us,' within classic walls and outside of them, to neglect no opportunity to show our regard. If there have been any remissness in the past, let us make amends ! Whenever and wherever op. portunity offers, let us be aggressive, not lacka. daisical, in bespeaking our words of praise for the University ! Let us show the fidelity that is in us and not let us leave it all for our Alumni to do ! We have everything to be proud of. Our pro fessors and instructors are unexcelled in prepara• ration for, and devotion to, their work. Our equipment is generously. ample. Our fellow stu dents are all manfully striving for the attainment of a practical education. Our Athletic Associa tion, with its fine grounds and well equipped gym nasium, and our military drill afford ample oppor tunity for the physical training, so enjoyable and positively essential during student life. The growth of the College has been steady, without any backsliding and it is in our power to make it a quicker one. In our homes and in our cities, the name of P. S. C., should be a household word. This is possible by means similar to those adopted by other institutions. When they hear of a promising athlete or scholar, they send him literature and bring pressure to 'bear upon him from the Athletic Association or some other stu- dent organization. To the Athletic Association, as the only organ ized student body, this matter is presented. To the chapters, to the class organizations, to the in dividual student body, this subject is offered for consideration. Now is the accepted time to take it in hand and clear our skirts of this imputation of unfaithfulness to loved and honored P. S. C. In this same connection we beg to offer the fol lowing suggestion to the Alumni if they will par don the presumption. If, in addition to the gen-