The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, April 01, 1894, Image 6

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    other measures are adopted. The present staff
with the aid of the many friends of the LANCE
intend to issue the paper regularly and promptly
during its year of management, with the excep
tion of this, the first issue, which was sent to press
immediately after the old staff had given it into
our care. Before that we were unable to go
ahead and do anything.
As to the literary work we will make no prom
ise, except one of honest endeavor, and with the
help of our contributors and subscribers we will
fulfill the promise and leave the result open to
your judgment.
* * *
NOW that our base ball season has actually
opened a better opinion can be formed of
the team than home practice afforded.
Of the two games played and lost on the trip, one
should have been ours.
From the University we did not expect to win,
but there is no reason why we should not have
this year, as we had in past years, a team, superior
to that of Dickinson.
We undoubtedly have the material for such a
team, and the result of the Dickinson game must
either arise from a lack of practice, which hardly
seems credible, or the failure of the men to keep
in proper shape for the game.
That the team can play at present was fully
shown in the game with Altoona, where barring a
few infield errors, they played gilt edged ball, and
now that the team has demonstrated that they
have sufficient ability, is the management willing
to sacrifice our chances by condoning any depar
ture from training rules. The influence of one
man exerted in the wrong direction, will injure
the condition of the whole team, and it should be
the business of those in charge to counteract and
remove such influence.
THAT pitiful wail, "Oh what's theuse to train,
you don't know whether the sports are
coming here or pot," can now be heard
no longer. It has been definitely decided that
the Inter-collegiate Athletic Contest shall be held
here on State's grounds. The question this meet
decides is an important One. It is simply this.
Are we willing, outside of U. of P., to acknowl
edge a superior in track athletics? We will ad
mit of none in base ball or foot ball, so why ad
mit of any? We need allow none, and every
man should respond "We won't !" Every ad
vantage that Swarthmore had last year is ours this
year, so there is really no reason why the cup
should not repose beside our foot ball pennant ;
an honor for P.S. C. won by the energetic efforts
of her sons.
Every man should contribute his share toward
securing this prize. If among our two hundred
and fifty students, there is a single one who has
athletic ability, and who is not developing it by
systematic training, then that student is undeserv
ing to be called a "college man." He is doing
both himself and his college an injury. A wrong
to himself in that he is not making use of his tal
ents, and an injustice to the college in that he is
not exerting all his energies in her behalf. Quite
a number have turned out, and are training faith
fully, but it is not right that a few should bear the
brunt of the work. It is not fair that the duty,
for it is a duty, of winning the cup should devolve
upon a few. Some say that it is too hard work to
train, and others give no other excuse than that
of indolence But will not all who take part in
this contest feel fully repaid when the cup rests
within our walls, as it will surely do, if we give
general athletics the attention they deserve.
THE work of the Young Men's Christian As
sociation in American educational institu
tions has increased so rapidly within the
last few years as to form a separate department.
Among the students and alumni of these institu
tions may be found the most enthusiastic advo
cates of this organization. They speak with
pride of the good accomplished by the Y. M. C. A.