SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundanoc The "eat line of Woolens always on hand—OU through the year. Children's Clothing. Storm Coats a Specialty Ifientigornerts ; ,eO., Wens, J. A. AIKENS non Dlemi pianos, ' Oman*. .T'ichtres. ..Tewelry. Ladies" Coals. B. C. Achenbacti, RAKER. CORFECMCMER /MD 0-A-T-E-R-E. Ice-Cream and Fruit Ices put up in all Styles, OYSTERS. --t. Bishop Street, Bellefonte t Telephone 044. Branch at State College. C`0:> iWINTED • TEACHER g • OR STUDENT.O AS PERMANENT OFFICE ASS'T. I} Either Gentleinan or Lady. No Preferenc 4/}qualifications being equal. Office it engaged. Enclose reference and self-addressed, o stamped envelope to HENRY JONES, See. GRICAGO, ILL. Ge 4 0 1 40 0 0 0 00 00 0 C>00000000000) ADVERTISEMENTS. -*BELLEFONTE, * PA.i.~. Music Store* No. 31 Allegheny St., Bellefonte Pa. A large and varied assortment of HA'IS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO MZGLES ff.lllOE BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BLOCK. BELLEFONTE. PA. Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes a Spe head-Quarters for the * * Celebrated Rochester Lamp. 3 1° 1 6 GI LLOrp .o Zieef '"ervo. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. His Celebrated Numbers, 303-404 I 70-604-332, and M rouga other dyke ma t y the be had of all dealers thhou world. Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York. W. 11. WILE CHINA HAL BELLEFONTE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers