Cornell has a students' tribunal similar in ope ration to the Amherst system of self-government. Recently it tried and convicted two students of poning in exams. The tribunal recommended the student's suspension. The faculty suspended them until next January. The long contemplated European trip of the Amherst College Musical organizations has finally taken a definite fol.m. The Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, comprising thirty-five men, will sail July 4, on the American Line steamer Berlin, for Southampton England. This will be the first trip of the kind ever undertaken by an American college, and 'ccording to the present prospects its success is almost assured. D_ _las gang ... which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. THE FREE LANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS EXCHANGES. THE REASON WHY Me arms around her slender wa She coyly raised her bead, "Your form," he cried, "is quite "Of cor•act is," she said. THE MUST FLY. The first fly of spring to the air spread I For warmer was glowing the weather While roaming about, another thawed lie Met, and they flew off together. To a playhouse they went on forage int . And the people there present did scan, And one to the other said, laughingly, " Get on to the bald•headed man."