—The class of '94, gave their Senior banquet, Friday evening, Febraury 23d. It took place at the Fallon House, Lock Haven. Several ex members of the class were present and added to the enjoyment of the occasion. A. D. Belt was toastmaster, and, after a sumptuous menu had been discussed, the following toasts were respond ed to : Ex '94, . • D. C. Jackson's Dynamo construction, The Ladies, Past and Present, The Dear Faculty, Thermodynamics, • Past, Present and Future, —On Saturday evening, February 17th, the second entertainment of the FREE LANCE course was given in the College chapel. Mr. Edward P. Elliot, the impersonator, gave us one of his inimitable plays, "Dollars and Sense," Mr. El liot is an old favorite here, having appeared last year in "Hazel Kirk," when he completely en deared himself to State College audiences by his exquisite conception of the various rolls in which he appeared. "Dollars and Sense," is a new play and still somewhat in the rough, but many think it even better than Hazel Kirk, His short sketches are especially fine, and it will be with pleasure that we anticipate his return next year. —The fourth annual winter meeting of the Athletic Association, came off in the Armory, Friday evening, February t6th. Both financially and in performances it was a success. Several records were broken, and a great deal of interest and enthusiasm was kept up. The following offi cers had charge Dr. H. T. Fernald, referee ; Prof. Gill, Prof. Emory, and Prof. Kinkaid, track judges; Lieut. McCaskey, Prof Sparks, H. E. Dunkle, measurers ; W. H. Walker, E. J. Haley, Prof. Garver, time keepers ; J. M. Willard and H. M. Stoek, clerks of the course; Starter, G. W. Hoskins ; announcer of events, J. M. Wolfe; announcer of points, H. M. Beaver ; chief mar shal, J. L. Harris. THE FREE LANCE. W. B. Waite, Wm. Banks, . E. B. Kirk, • Fred Barndollar, W. M. Dickinson, W. A. Silliman. The events and winners with their records are as follows 3o yard dash-Ist heat,-Connelly '97, Ist, McCullough '97, 2d ; time 4 2-5 sec. zd beat -Thompson '96, Ist, White '94, 2d ; time 43 sec. Final heat-White '94, Ist, Connelly '97, 2d, Thompson, '96, 3d; time 41-5 sec. 16 lb shot-Connelly '97, Ist, McGee '97, 2d, Dixon '96, 3d ; distance 31 ft 5 1 2 in. 12 lb shot-Dixon '96, Ist, McGee '97, 2d, Huber '97, 3d ; distance 34 ft 7 in. Flying ring exhibition-Renninger, McCaskey. 4,/o yds dash-White '94, Ist, Price '96, 2d, Conrad '97, 3d ; time 65 sec. Standing NO jump -Connelly '97 Ist, Thomp- son '96, 2d, Harder '95, 3d ; height, 4ft 812 in. This breaks the indoor record by 3 in. Standing broad jump-Connelly '97, Ist, Thompson '96, 2d, Darragh '97, 3d ; distance 9 ft 4 1 2 in. Horizontal bar exhibition—lVlcCaskey, Ren- ranger Half mile run.—White '94, Ist, Price '96, 2d, Rutherford, '95, 3d ; time 2 min. 574 sec. . 140 wrestling contest, catch as catch can— Zentmeyer and Bechtel ; Zentmeyer winner. Cau ler and Lane ; Lane winner. Zentmeyer and Lane ; Sentmeyer winner. HO" mile walk—Price '96, ist, Hemphill '96, 2d, Smith '96, 3d ; time 4 min. 5y 3 sec. Pole vault—Thompson '96, ist, Stevens '97, 2d, Robison '97, 3d; height. 9 ft 2,j( ! in. This breaks the indoor record by tft x in. 150 lb wrestling contest, catch as catch can— Thompson and Darragh ; best of three throws. Thompson two out of three, winner. A/lie run—Scott 'O, Ist, Rutherford '95, 2d, Stevens '97, 3d ; time 5 min. 43 sec: This breaks the indoor record by zo g sec. Sparrins exhibition—Spence, Peffer. Running high jump—Connelly '97, tst, Harder '95, 2d, Bowen '96, 3d ; height sft 6 in. This breaks the college record in. and the indoor