SUI r& and OVEIiCUATS anode to order NECK WEAR In abundance The finest line of Woolens always on hand—all through the year. Children's Clothing.- Storni Coats a Specialty fliontsortlert,, e 0., f..ifors, J. A. AIKENS , AI , S 9 Pianos, _ organs; , • Nlithic Store* •, ' , Pictures. i Topeli.r. Lridies' ' , I, ~ , Bellefonte Pa. 1 Coats. B. C. Achenbaell, BAUR, CORMMUER 0-A-T-E-Ft-Ewft. Ice-Cream and Fruit Ices put up ill all Styles. OYSTEItB: --1 Bishop Street, Bellefonte t.-- . - Te , leplume 644. Branch at State College., . , ‹,00,00,0000,000coceoco«pcoi.-> litiNT - Ii,11: -0 - e T tfr A tIVE E N R 4.# lAB PERMANENT OFFICE Ass"r. 11 . kither G-utlesnan or Lade. No Protorano fs.quulifleal tolls being equal. Satan awl 11811%4ns' fare palO to I offiNi If engaged.' h uologe refers nee and Melt addreeNecl, o stgnaped eavelooe to I HENRY J, t NHICA4 4 OIN, St.o. 0, 1,10,1 (#4 0 00 00 0 0 4 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 4 2 ) ADVERTISEMENTS. -*BELLEFONTE, * ,PA.I.- No. 31 Allegheny St., A large and varied maortment of HATS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO MLNGERS _ , „ BROOKERHORF HOUSE BLOCK. BELLEFONTE• PA., Lathes' and Gents' Fine Shoes a , Sit head-Quarteni , for the * * Celebrated ' ' ' Rochester Lamp. , . 4% tri‘ G IlLorp - 3.. - ' , i , 8 Zleel 'aPertz. Go= MEDAL, PARIS, line. , ins Cokbrated Numioev, ) 303-404 7 -170-604-332, wul rn ahrhirittrhoTtratZldfralifkcll" Josepb Gillott - & Sons, N.w Verk W. 11.-WILKI i, CHINA HAL BELLEFONTi