SUI I'S and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The finest line of Woolens always on hand—all through the year. Illont%orner/ ! ) f eO., 'ciltrorars,#o4,- State College hotel, STATE COLLEGE, PA,. Largest House and Best Accommo dations in Town. Steam Heat. S. S.. CRIER, B. C. Achenbach, BAKER, GONFEOTEONEFI /MO AT-E-IN-E-Re Ice-Cream all Fruit Ices put up ill all Styles. OYSTERS. -- --$ Bishop Street, Bellefonte t ---- Telephone 644 Branch at State College. head-Quarters ' for the ' .1 1 ,* * Celebrated Rochester Lamp. ADVERTISEMENTS. Children's Clothing. Storm Coats a Specialty - 4/BELLEFONTE, * PA./.- Proprietor. * . W. H. WILKINSON, CHINA HALL, BELLYPONTE, PA. A large and varied amsortment of HA7S," , GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 000: 0® 1141. PARI '4l, DRUGS ANDM EDICIN (Physicians Perscriptions Carefully Compou — II — BEST CIGARS IN TOWN.-II- Hot and Cold Soda the Whole Year II BELLEFONTE, PA. ‹ , .. , ) iC • WANTED TEACHER g OR STUDENT.° AS PERMANENT merlon ASS'T. ii Either Gm'Wen - lan or Lady. No Preferene iiqualifleations being equal. Office if engaged. Eneloge reference and self-addreemed, i HENRY JONES, Sec. CHICAGO, ILL.§ (0 0 0 2 0 20 0 00 0C1C00 00000P0004)000X0 MONEY\.SA" QE MADE A FORTUNE FOR STUDENTS rotL pART,t,ARSFREE OD YOUR ' , MOTT TO UNDERWOOD 8, UNDERViiOOO.2utUnm S, wYonK Lrry. os ~QN‘Gl<