been proposed is no exception. Some one should and must take the lead to give us the results need ed. The labor in many cases must be of love for your college, but the benefits of the training which will be given you will repay all efforts. Let the start be made and at once ! Pennsylvania State College having struggled through much prejudice from , which it is now free ing itself is beginning to find a spirit of jealousy abroad ready to, create wrong conceptions. The newspaper properly used is the best weapon by which .to overcome both in that it reaches the AN ALUMNUS. public IN MEMORIAM. JAMES F. PATRICK. Hall of Pa. ZAlpha Zeta, March 26, 1893 WHEREAS, a Loving Father, who orders all things for the best and does not willingly lay the hand of affliction upon us, has removed from our midst our beloved and respected brother in Z A. E. James F. Patrick, therefore, Be it Resolved, that in the passing away of Brother Patrick, Pa. Alpha Zeta has lost one of her best, noblest, and truest membeti. Resolved, that we send out our hearts full of sympathy to the sorrowing parents and family, who have lost a good, noble, christian son and brother. Resolved, that these resolutions be inscribed up on the minutes of Pa. Alpha Zeta, that a copy be sent to the bereaved family of the deceased, and that they be published in the FREE LANCE and the Z. A. E. Record. W A. SILLIMAN. Committee. H. A. KUHN. J. M. MCKIBBEN. IN MEMORY OF A CLASS-MATE. At . a meeting of the Junior class held to-day the fallowing resolutions were adopted ; THE FREE LANCE. We the members of the class of '94, of the Penn sylvania State College, realizing the loss which we have sustained in the death of our friend and cl tss-mate, Times F. Patrick, do hereby resolve that, in the death of our friend, we have lost a true companion, much endeared to us by his gen ial and generous disposition ; and the class an ardent and zealous supporter. Resolved, that in view of the loss which we have sustained, we, as a class, do tender our sincerest sympathy to the family and relatives of our depart ed class-mate. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, to the papers at his late home and in Bellefonte; and in the College paper. H. P. DOWLER. A. F. DAMON. Class Committee. J. M. BREWER. Mar. 16, 1893. State College, Pa. At a special meeting of the State College Society of Christian Endeavor, March 22, 1893, the following resolutions were adopted : WHEREAS, it has pleased God in his love and wisdom to visit his people with death by taking from among us one who has sincerely labored in the cause of Christ and the Church, one who by his walk and conversation did show forth those christian graces that follow prayer and the desire to be christ-like. one who in the strength of his youth had exhibited traits of integrity, charityand wisdom in his obedience to duty, therefore be it Resolved, that the Christian Endeavor Society of State College manifest its grief in the death of James Patrick, which occurred March x 6, 1893, who was an associate member of the Society ; be cause in his death we have lost a valuable friend, andan earnest co-laborer, in God's vineyard, and Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be en tered•upon the minutes of the Society, one be presented to the College FREE LANCE for publica- RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT.