—The third annual ball masque of "The 400'' was held in the college armory Saturday evening, March 18. The proceeds were turned over to the Athletic Association. —The annual athletic meet of the Preparatory department was held in the armory, Saturday evening, March 4. The best record was the 3o yards dash by Strickler in 3 3-5 seconds. The con test for the cup for the standing broad jump was also held at this meet. —The base ball management announces the fol lowing schedule for the present season. At Al toona April 29 ; Bucknell on home grounds, May 6 ; Bucknell at Lewisburg, May 3o ; Gettysburg at Gettysburg, June 2; Dickinson at Carlisle, June 3 ; Gettysburg on home grounds June 9. Twenty five applicants are training from which a vary promising team can be secured. —The' following cups have been offered this term : Prof. H. J. Waters, to the best class base ball nine; Prof. J. P. Jackson, to the athlete mak ing the greatest number of points at the coming handicap field meetings. Dr. Wm. Frear and Prof. E. E. Sparks have also offered cups. John T. Bailey & Co., athletic outfitters, have offered a complete athletic suit, including running shoes and pants. —The •'Adelphi" is the name of a club recently organized at this place. Membership is restricted to members of the faculty and of the several fraternities post graduates, seniors and jun_ km. Its . object is purely social. The offi cers are . president, E. J. Haley; secretary, J. E. Quigley ;"treasurer, H. W. Ruoff; executive com mittee, E. j:' Haley, H. W. Ruoff, J. E. Quigley, R. W. Williamson, W. H. Walker, F. J. Pond, C: J. Girvin. In addition to these the charter mem bers are A. F. Damon, Wm. Banks, S. H. Brown, Fred Dale, John White, E. T. Pyne, R. F. Mai-- tin, H. J. Waters, C. H. Atherton, R. Bowman, W. P. Rothrock, H. P. DOwler, A. D. Belt, W. M. Dickinson, C. E. Kremer, John Foster, John Furst, A. C. Read, M. J. Thompson, T. R. Beyer. THE FREE LANCE. —At a meeting of the Athletic Association on April 6, I-I. P. Dowler, who is a member of the Executive committee of the State Inter-collegiate Athletic Association, reported the proceedings of the meeting April z. A committee was appointed to organize a foot ball league with Lehigh and Lafayette if possible another committee was in structed to arrange for an athletic contest with Bucknell before the Inter-collegiate meet, May —The proceedings of the College Association of the Middle States and Maryland, at its fourth annual convention have been published in pamph let form and contain much of interest to col legians. Among other good things is the able ad dress of President Atherton on "proposals for the Middle States" in a discussion of the question, "How can high schools be made so uniformly ef ficient that their graduates may, without further preparation, enter college." —The members of the Executive Committee of the State Inter-collegiate Athletic Associatiori met in. the parlor of the Bingham House at Phifadel phia on Saturday, April r, at 2p. m. They decid ed. to hcld the next annual field meeting on the ath letic grounds at Swarthmore on May zo, 1893.. All other necessary busineis as committees on programs and medals was transacted. They adjourned to meet at Philadelphia on the morning of May 20, 1893. —At a mass meeting of the Athletic Associa tion on Wednesday evening, March 8, after ad dresses by E. J. Haley, B. F. Fisher, and others, the cups won at the college mid-winter contest were presented to the winners who were as follows : White, 3o yards dash'; Connelly, running high jump; White,quaitei mile run ; . Thompson, stand ing high jump; White, half mile run ; Fisher, i 6 lb. shot; Caughey, pole-vault; Diinjqle, half mile walk ; Dixon, t 2 lb. • shot ; Connelly, standing broad jump; White, one Mile run. At the same meeting, Trainer Miskins made au offer of silver medals to those breaking a list of records, at the Spring sports.