The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1893, Image 20

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    principalship of the public schools of Seattle to ac
cept the presidency of the Washington State Col
lege at Pullman. To show the position Professor
Heston hol is among the people of Seattle, we clip
the following resolutions from one of their daily
WHIM:MOH the departure of Prof. John W. Heston, the
cause of education in tills city is deprived of an earnest
worker' the high school elan efficient leader, and the teach
ers therein of a warm friend; and,
Vitiator-its, We, the teachers of the high school, fully ap
preciate the fact that its present prosperous condition is
largely due to his efficient management ; that h's earnest
co.operat ion has made our individual labors more effective,
and that his careful example, encouraging words, earnest
advice and high ideas have had an effect on the character
of his pupils which can never be overestimated; therefore,
be it
Resolved, That we hereby assure him of our deep intemst
In his future welfare, and formerly express the regard
which we entertain for him ; and while we sincerely regret
his departure we rejoice in the fact that he will have even
a wider field in which to sow the lessons of truth and right,
which ever go to form true manhood and womanhood : be
it further
&seised, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to
Prof. ileston, and that they also be published in the daily
(Signed )
Cornell has 1 665 students
Cornell has 83 candidates for her athletic team.
Frank A. Hinkey, left end, will captain Yale
next year
Co education reigns in 204 colleges in the
United States.
Michigan University has thirty-four more stu
dents than Harvard.
The sum of all the salaries of college professors
is annually $80,000,000.
J. S. Trenchard '95, has been chosen captain
of Princeton eleven for '93.
The Sigma Phi chapter house at Williams, which
cost about $60,000, has been burned.
The Oxford-Cambridge boat race will take place
March 19, 1893, three weeks earlier than usual.
The McMaster Monthly contains quite an inter
esting story entitled ''A Minister's Romance."
• A German hand-book of the universities of the
world has been issued. America has fourteen on
the list
It is reported that President Harrison will, after
March 4, lecture on law at the Leland Stanford
"Uncle George" from the Southern Collegian
shows off the "before the war" negro in rather a
charming and pathetic light.
The annual expenditures at Harvard are cata
logued as follows : Low, $372; moderate, $472;
liberal, $672; very liberal, poi°.
President Harper declares that the University
of Chicago will not have made its first step in his
tory until it has secured $r0,000,000
A boating association has been formed at Wis
consin University with a capital of $4,500,
through the efforts of President Adams.
The faculty of the University of Chicago has'
decided not to prohibit secret societies at the
University, but to discourage them as much as pos-
Arrangements are being made for a grand ath
letic carnival during the World's Fair. The Chi
cago Athletic Club proposes to undertake the mat
ter. College athletes will be especially invited to
In the gentle light of the silver moon
Ile sang a serenade,
On the listening ear of tho fleeting night,
To his heart's own chosen maid.
And e'en as the last notes die away,
Up goes the window pane,
And the other fellow politely asks,
If he won't oblige again.
—Williams Weekly