final trial of strength and skill. 'What is the Pennsylvania State College ?"Where is it ?" were questions often heard during the foot-ball seasons of the past two years, as her boys stubborn ly contested the field. So Philip came down from the hills of Macedon, and they knew more of Mac edon afterwards in Athens and throughout Greece." 'The same magazine for January publishes a num ber of letters expressing surprise at the develop. ment of the institution. Among others is one from a man prominent in the educational circles of this state, which says, —"I have read and re read the article on the Pennsylvania State College with a feeling of incredulous amazement. We had been talking for years about a crowning State Universi ty, without much hope of 'getting it, and lo ! at a most unexpected moment it blazons its way into the public consciousness, full-fledged and strong, capturing public sentiment, and waiting to be crowned !" —The new engineering building is to be form ally opened Feb. 22d. The following guests will be present:—Governor Pattison and staff, Secretary Noble, President Schuman of Cornell, President Walker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy, State Senators, members of the Board of Trust ees, and other persons prominent in political and educational circleS. The following will be the order of the day:—At 12 o'clock a collation will be served to invited guests in the armory, and all graduates of the Col lege are to consider themselves invited, even if, by any chance, one should fail to receive a formal no tice. Beginning at 2 p. m., the exercises of the for mal opening of the building will be held in. the chapel with a program ,of addresses which in cludes:— Presentation of the building to the Board of Trustees, by General James A. Beaver, Chairman of the Building Committee. Acceptance of the building on behalf of the Col- lege, by Col. Francis Jordan, President of the Board of Trustees. tHE FREE LANCE. "The Function of the State in education," b: Governor Robert E. Pattison. "The Educational Benefits of Scientific and Tech nical Training," by• General Francis A. Walker, Pres!dent of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. "Education in its Relationsto our Government," by General John W. Noble, Secretary of the Inter ior. "The Practical Spirit in Modern Education," by Dr. J. G. Schuman, President of Cornell Univer sity. • In the evening the Senior Reception will be held in the armory, which will, of course, be the social event of the season and appropriately close our gala day. No pains are being spared to make it a crowning success. A special committee has the sole charge of the Armory decorations, which are to be quite extensive. Music will be furnished by Stopper & Fisk's orchestra for the afternoon, as well as for the reception in the evening. An in strumental solo will probably be contributed by Miss Willard in the course of the afternoon exer- Ex-'97. W. B. Brown is filling a good position in his father's tobacco establishment at 1503, Fil• bert St. Philadelphia. Ex '96. R. M. Girvin has secured a good posi • ticn with the Guaranty Trust Company, Fourth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. Ex-'95. J. M. Vastine left the college at the close of last term to enter the Sophomore class of Buck nell University. Ex-'95. C. W. Heppenstall is filling the lucra tive position of assistant superintendent of the Tethrury Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg. Ex-'95. W. D. Dunsmore who left college at the close of last term has secured a position on a Harrisburg engineering corps, but intends to re enter college next year with the Freshman class. PERSONALS.