The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1893, Image 15

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    —Professor and Mrs. Reber gave a large recep
tion to Ex•senator Coxe on Jan 27th.
—At an athletic meeting on the Jan. 3r, it was
decided to put a base-ball nine on the field next
—At a meeting of the foot ball directors J. E.
Quigley of the class of '94.,•was elected manager of
the foot ball team for the season of 1893.
—Silver cups will be given as prizes to the win
ners in the athletic contests. The cups will be on
exhibition previous to date of contest.
—The members of the La Vie staff are working
hard to get their annual out by the first of May,
and a good annual can be expected from the pres
ent Juniors.
—On Saturday evening, Jan. r 4th, about fifty of
the students secured four sleds and went to Pine
Grove to attend the grand musicale and concert of
home talent. The boys report a pleasant journey
and ?
—An • entertainment which consisted of vocal
and instrumental music was given in the Presby
erian church at Bellefonte, Feb. i3th. About fifty
of the students took advantage of the special train
in the evening and all report a pleasantly spent eve
—Lieut. McCaskey deserves credit for the
marked improvement in drilling which the banal.
ion has made thus far this term. Battalion drill
takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays, and indi
vidual company target practice on Wednesdays.
That the drills are becoming more popular is
shown by the fact that the daily crowded
with spectators.
—The two Literary Societies are each making
great efforts to send forth the best debators for
the society debating contest, which will take place
at or near the close of the spring session.
—A fine electric chronograph, made by Societe
Geneveise, for the accurate measurement of small
intervals of time, or for recording the exact instant
of a phenomenon, is the latest important addition
to the apparatus of the department
,of Physics.
—The new engineering buildings, which are
about completed, will be dedicated in a formal
manner on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, '93, several con
gressmen and college professors will witness the
ceremonies and deliver speeches. A programme
of the exercises will be gotten out soon.
—Students of the department of Electrical En
gineering have designed and begun the construc
tion of a dynamo for electrolytic work. It is in
tended for electroplating, the electrolysis of water
to furnish oxygen and hydrogen gases for the ste
reopticon, department of Chemistry, etc.
—The third annual nmid•winter meet of the ath
letic association will take place in the college
armory on Thursday, Feb. 23nd. Asa great many
new students have entered since our last contest
we have reason to expect new material which, when
developed, will add quite a number to our list of
entries. Trainer Hoskins is making every effort
to bring about such a degree of development in
the several contestants as will add interest to lov
ers of athletic sports.
—The occupants of the several Fraternity houses
neglected to turn off the water and drain the
boilers before leaving for their vacation, and as
the surface of the mercuty and the zero•mark were
in close proximity during the holidays, the result
was when the students returned they found the
pipes all frozen solid and several bursted, requir
ing some time to have them fixed up. The
Phi Gama Delta House was considerably damaged
by an explosion of a boiler which was caused by
building too hot a fire before the ice was melted.