m At*- - ""•v* 0 Storm coats for rugged weather that hug you with affectionate embrace and make you feel as tho* in doors In a snuggery, "Warm as love 1” Full of health as an egg is of meat. They come high—way up, but as to price r *t above your poclcetbooki. That is, the pecu* liar get up of Wanamaker & Brown, Boom. 570 P. S. C. AIKENSJ. P • Sales Agent. OoxwXFXjEts Stock op [ #• Base-ball, mm 'AIIGADC» BELLKFQNITE* PA. «&*! Iff#*' Ann i •HIGH PRICES! GEO. T. Foot-ball and Lawn Tennis Goods » ] Always on Hand at Lowest Prices, A FUZZ ZIAJ2 OF STA TJOJYjEftT. - - - - Send for Catalogue. FREE! ! WALL PAPER— We don’t want you to send ns stamps, only your name and address. We pay freights. Samples are sent with Wall, Boarder and Celling to matoh. $l.OO buys a perfect room of Wall Paper; you can get a good room for 60c. Agent’s Large Sample Books, size about 20x22 Inches, with nearly 200 pat terns, $1 00. Agents wanted everywhere. Many of our 10c Gold Wall Papers cost 260 in all stores. Our Mall Order Wall Paper business is the Largest in the Country. Our samples are made up of the eholoest patterns, all new and are ooneeded the bestsent out by any house In Amerloa. A Catalogue with an swer to any question you may wish to ask, full instructions on Paper Hanging, be sides many things you ought to know. G.G. O’BRIEN, FAINT ADD WALL PAPER STORE, 25* Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA BUSH SAMPLES SENT . TO ANY ADDRESS,