I and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The finest tine of Woolens always on hantl—all thronyh the year. Children's Clothing:. Storm Coats a Specialty $ Go tatc College fjotel, STITE COLLEGE, PI. rgest House and Best Accommo lations in Town. Steam Heat. S. S. QEIEB, B. 6. Achenbaclj, baker. ©orfigtcqmir MB (H®A®T i-Cream and Frait Ices jnt up ii all Styles. OYSTERS. ■t Bishop Street, Beliefonte I Telephone 644. iead-Quartera far the Celebrated icheater [amp. ADVERTISEMENTS. -♦* Bellefonte, * Pa.**- Proprietor. V. H. WILKINSON, CHINA HALL, , BELLEFONTE, FA. A large and varied assortment of HATS, CA GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOO ©„ M. PAHISM, DRDGSandMEDICINE (Physicians Perscriptions Carefully Compound —II—BEST CIGARS IN TOWN—II— Ho! soil Coli Sola the Whole Year Rod BELLEFONTE, FA. 00000000000000000000000000000000 IWAJiTEDi o^&twdent 0 AS PERMANENT OFFICE ASS’T. 0 (jEltlier Gentleman or Lady. No ProferoncQ being equal. Salary #7 >nami n XKailway fare paid to Office If engaged.X X Encloso reference ami Bclf-aild reused, Q zstunped envelope to X X HENRY JONES, Seo. X Q CHICAGO, ILL.Q CoOooQooOooOooOo 0000000000000000 MONEYS^ A FORTUNE for STUDENTS Full paiuicolarsFßCE, no your acohess to UNDERWOOD B>UNPERWOQD,2O6CakaISt Nt wYowKCiry. Gl U-OTpg eel '"SPens. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1818. Hit Celebrated Mimbere, 303-404-170-604-332, and Ait other etylee may be had qf all dealer t throughout the world. Joseph Qillott & Sons, New York.