SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR In abundance. The finest line of Woolens always on hand—all'thronyH the year. - Itate College fjotel, STATE COLLEGE, PS. Largest House and Best Accommo dations in Town. Steam ;Heat. S. S- GEIEB, B. G. Achenbact], barsb, eo (tree,tower ANSI 1 e-ft-T-6-W-S-l*. Ice-Cream aail Frnit Ices, pat ap la all Styles. OYSTERS. —% Bishop Street, Bellefonte t Telephone 044. Bead-Quarters for the. ■s£ $£ Celebrated Rochester Camp. ADVERTISEMENTS, Children’s Clothing. Storm Coats a Specialty -♦* Bellefonte, * Pa.*~" Proprietor. I. H. WILKINSON, CHINA HALL, BELLEFONTE, FA. A large and varied assortment ofHA’IS, Ci GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOl C. M. FAMI9M, DRUGS-dMEDICINE (Physicians Perscriptions Carefully Compound —II—BEST CIGARS IN TOWN.—II— -1! ani Cold Sofia the Whole Year Roil BELLEFONTE, FA. 9O reference and SBlf-addi'esHed.Q d envelope to , ( - X HENRY JONES, See. X CHICAGO, ILL.Q oOooftooOooOooQoooooQoeQoO < - ; ; s_ MONE Y^- AN . A FORTUNE for STUDENTS FhuPARTicui.AHsFRL’E, v.f lie vuun /vooivf s s ro UNDERWOOD&UNOERWOOD.2C)faCftKA L Si N> wYmmC.ry. G iLL orpQ QPens. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. Bit Celebrate# Numbers, 1 303-404-170-604-332, and All other etylee may be had qfattdtalert throughout the world. Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York.