FOOT BALL STATE COLLETS O—U. OF P. 20. —The game of foot ball, between our own elev ed and that of the University of Penna., which was played in West Philadelphia, on Oct. ist, did great credit to our home eleven, considering the odds that were against them. In the first place we have to pick an eleven from three hundred, while the University has the choice of fifteen hun dred students; and yet pays salaries in an indi rect way to professionals to complete the makeup of their team; and besides this we played on their grounds and had to battle twelve instead of eleven men, “if the referee c ould be considered a man,’’ for his decisions intimated that he lacked good judgment, or was devoid of that quality of justice which should characterize a referee. A great many friends of the college were present at the game and showed their appreciation of the team’s work in battling against disadvantages by cheers and display of colors. Among those friends of the college win were present, were Dr. Atherton, Mr. and Mrs. Haley, and daughter, Capt. C. W. Roberts and family, Dr. Girvin, wifeand daughter ; Rev. ffm. Calder and many other friends, but whom want of space forbids mention. The game was called at 3-30 p. in.. The teams lined up as follows: Stile College. positions. Uni. ol Penna. Atherton & Brown full back Koipe. Taylor left half back Camp. Fay right half hack .... Martin. Matlern F, quarter hack Vail. Keeil centre Woodruff. right guard... left guard.... Mattern L Fisher ..right tackle Mackey. .left tackle Wagonliunit. Haley (Capt.), Dowler ....right end left end.. Rothrock Hoskins Time was called at 5-15 the score being 20 to o in favor of the University. Hoskins and L. Mattern both retired from the game at the end of first half, Dowler taking Mattern’s place as guard Morrow playing tackle and Heppenstall left end. I'HE FREE LAtfCE. On Friday Oct. 27th our team started on their second trip, expecting to play two games, one at Kingston with the Wyoming Seminary team, and the other at Bethlehem with the Lehigh Universi ty team. The boys arrived at Kingston at 12 o'clock m. and after a light lunch prepared for the game which was called at 3 o’clock p. m. Upon lining up it was plain to be seen that our team had the advantage in weight and later in the game showed their superior tactics, for they played better together during this game than in any one previous to this, and it was encouraging to see the backs protectingeach other while running with the ball. The Seminary boys, although playing with determination, were not able to get the ball closer to our goal than the ten yard line. The first half was of 45 minutes while the second lasted but 30 minutes. The team lined up as follows; Wyoming positions. State College. Humphreys .right end Rothrock. Miller right tackle Morrow. •Tetters right guard.... Fisher, Juke centre Read. Barnes left guard bowler. 0. McKowu left tackle Newell 1 Tobias left end Harris. Jones right halt back Fay. Cf. McKowu left half back Taylor. Reyuolds (Capt.) quarter back Atherton. Bart full back Church. Referee Mr. Haley, of State College, and Mr. Robinson, of Lafayette, umpire. During this game a dispatch was received from Lehigh saying that they could not play us on the following day for reasons we have not yet heard. The team therefore returned on Saturday evening. Thornton Oliver. ...Peralta. Simmons. Ex-’9S. C. K. Cartwright is mining for the Mil waukee Mining Co., and is situated at Gem, Ida ho. Ex-’95. A. E. Hall left college at the end of last term and this fall entered Ihe Sophomore class at Yale. STATE COLLEGE 40 WYOMING SEMINARY O. PERSONALS.