The following is the list of the faculty and in- structors ;' • GEORGE W. ATHERTON, LL. D., President, Professor of Political and Social Science. WILLIAM A. BUCKHOUT, M. A., Professor of Botany and Horticulture. I. THORNTON OSMOND, M. S., M. A., Professor of Physios. JOSIAH JACKSON, M. A., Professor of Mathematics, LOUIS H. BARNARD, C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering. HARRIET A. MoELWAIN, M. A., Lady Principal; Professor of History. LOUIS E. REBER, M. S., Profeesor of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering. WILLIAM FREER, Pn. D., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry; Secretary oj the Fac- ulty. GEORGE GILBERT POND, M. A., Pn. D., Professor of Chemistry. EDGAR F. DAVIS, M. A., Professor of English and Rhetoric. HENRY P. ARMSBY, Pn. D., Lecturer on Animal Chemistry aud Cattle Feeding. EDWIN E. SPARKS, B. A., Principal of the Preparatory Department. H. J. WATERS, B. S., Professor of Agriculture. HENRY T. FERNALD, M. S., Pu. D., Professor of Zoology. BENJAMIN GILL, A. 8., A. M., Professor of Latin. W. C. THAYER, A. B. M. A., Professor of Modern Languages. E. W. McCASKEY, First Lieut. 4tii Infantry, U. S. A. Professor of Military Science and Tactics. JOHN PEMBERTON, C. E„ U. S. N., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. JOHN PRICE JACKSON, B. S.. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, GEORGE C. BUTZ.M. 5.,. Assistant in Bo.tany and Horticulture. WILLIAM H. CALDWELL, B. S., Instructor in Agriculture. FRANKLIN E. TUTTLE, B. A-, Instructor in Chemistry and Mineralogy. THE FREE LANCE. Instructor in the Preparatory Department; English and Latin, G. T. SELLEW, A ssistant in the Preparatory Department. AUGUSTUS C. REA D, P. S., Instructor in Drawing. The college association got out a very unique combination of hand-book and schedule card for new students, The reception, as given annually by the associa tion, was held in the Society halls, the first Friday evening of this term. In place of the usual pro gramme of refreshments, a short musical entertain ment was introduced which everyone apparently appreciated quite as well as they could have en joyed something more material. John White of the class of ’94 represented the association at Mr. Moody’s summer school at Northfield, Mass. F. F. Weld of ’93 was delegate from this associ ation to the State convention held at Germantown this month. The officers for the ensuing year are, President, Mattern ; Vice President, White; Rec. Sec. Math ias; Cor. Sec. Brown ; Treasurer, Smith. JENNIE J. WILLARD, Instructor in Music, T. RAYMOND BEYER, B. S„ C. E., Instructor in Civil Engineering. ANNA E. REDIFER, Instructor in Industrial Art and Design. HENRY W. RUOFF, M. A., Instructor in Psychology'and Ethics. W. H. WALKER, Pn. D., Instructor in Chemistry. MAURICE J. THOMPSON, B. A., Instructor in Mathematics. M. J. TOWLE, Instructor in Mechanic Arts. W. J. KARSLAKE, B. 8., Assistant in Chemical Laboratory. CURTIN G. COOP, M. A., V Af. C. A. NOTES.