The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1892, Image 14

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    —The members of the Epworth League society
held a pleasant sociable at the residence of the
Misses Garrer on Friday evening Sept. 30th.
—E. J. Haley has lately resigned his position
as captain of the foot ball team, owing to pressure
of work. A. C. Read has been elected captain.
—Among the recent purchased additions to
the department of Zoology, are “Skull a l’a Beau
chene,” and casts of Trilabite and Eurypterus.
—The new cadets, numbering sixty-five, drill
four times a week under Captain Furst, assisted
by a duty sergeant and the corporals, and are
making satisfactory progress.
—Schaffer & Sons, the well known tailoring
firm of this place, have transfered their place of
business to 13th and Arch St., Philadelphia.
The family expect to move sooit.
—The Prohibitionists of this place organized a
club and elected the following officers: for Presi
dent, E. P. Butts j Vice President, F. F. Weld ;
Secretary, E. B. Kirk, Treasurer, J. Seibert.
—Mr. Tuttle is in Europe on leave of absence
and his work is taken by Dr. W. H. Walker, who
is fresh from the German University where he
graduated with great credit to his Alma Mater,
this summer.
—Prof. Butz has lately moved into his new
house. The Prof, has secured one of the finest loca
tions in the village and his residence adds one
more to the list of modern style houses which
characterizes our village.
—lt is a significant fact that of the thirty-one
Preparatory students recommeded in the freshman
class last June, every one returned and entered
that class this fall. Never before in the history
of the institution has this been the case.
—The new engineering building which has
been in course of construction during the summer
is partly under roof. The foundry and forging
rooms which occupy the rear of the building will
be ready for occupancy by the opening of the win
ter term.
—The P. S. C. Republican Club was re,organ
ized Sept. 20, and elected the following officers:
President, Roger Bowman, ’94. Vice President,
C. W. Burkett, ’95, Marshall, R. B. Mattern, ’93,
Secretary, D. L. Patterson, ’95, Treasurer, H. W.
Mattern, 93.
—The family of our late Vice President James
Y. McKee, are about ready to move into their
fine residence which is being built on the corner
below Prof. Buckhouts. The house on the campus
which they have occupied for so long will be oc
cupied by Prof. Gill.
—The Chemical Department enters upon the
work of the session under the most favorable cir
cumstances. The equipment is complete, having
been thoroughly replenished by the arrival of
much apparatus during the last year, bought un
der the personal care of Prof. Pond in Germany
last summer.
—The base ball nine from the Preparatory
department defeated a nine from the Bellefonte
Academy on Sept. 24th the score being 11-3. On
Oct. Ist they defeated a nine from the High
School. The Preparatory students should be en
couraged in their efforts to develop athletics, as
they will be college men ere long.
The reserve foot ball team ofthe college went
to Altoona on Sat. Oct. Sth, to play a game with
the team from the latter place. It was a hard
fought game, but the Altoonians were too heavy
for our boys and defeated them 16-6. A game is
being arranged with the team from Williamsport
Y. M. C. A. to be played at the latter place.
—At a recent meeting of the Washington Liter
ary Society, the following named officers were
elected for the ensuing term. For President, John
Foster ’95 ; Vice President, J. T. Chambers ’94;
Treasurer, J. M. Brewer ’94; Recording Secretary,
W. J. Moore '95 ; Corresponding Secretary, L.
P. Phelps ’96; Critic, Miss M. E. Beck ’96; Li
brarian, E. B. Kirk ’94; Editors, Keefer ’95 ; and
Trone ’95.