Al=tE TUB BEST, North, South, East or West. The Oliest aid Most Eiteasive Seed Grov ers ii the United States. IMPLEMENTS ][ —AND ][ — S-E-E-ZD-S m -vambw* Send for handsomely illustrated Cata logue and Price List. D. LANDRETH & SONB, 21 and 23 South eth Bt. PHILADELPHIA. Bun nie l l & aikens' Store. Oor. Allegheny and Bishop Sts. Bellefonte, Pet. Pianos, Orjans and Latest Sheet Mosic. PICTURES, JEWELRY, WATCHES. frames Made to Order. •***»«* eeeos ««»*• nevsimss* UJilliams, Broun I garle, N. E. Oor. 10th and Chestnut Bto. PHILADELPHIA. Mathematical Instruments and Draughting Supplies. ADVERTISEMENTS. gHOE jgTOI^K, BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BLOCK, Mes’ and Gents' Fine Sheas a Specialty. HEADQUARTERS ATHLETIC GOODS. BASE BALL UNIFORMS, Tennis Out-fits, SWEATERS, SHOES, Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, NEW MAIL, LOVELL DIAMOND AMD ECLIPSE BICYCLES. Edw. K. Tryon Jr. & Co. xo-xa N.6tt»Bt. PHILADiLPH | A* Send Stamps Iter Catalogue. 18. R. Brachbill, No. 20, Bpringfitreet, Bellefonte, Fa. Dealer In and Importer of * Furniture * and * Bedding,* Parlor Fariltvn, tffcrtrg FunlUra, CHAMBER FURNITURE. Special Facilities far Furnishing Fraternal BELLEFONTE, PA. Chapter Houses.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers