VAIfBKI SANITARIUM, BOB’T WALTER, M. D. MBS. E, C. WALTEB, M. D. Managing Physicians. Who has not heard df-Wornorsville, which is fast attain- the very best opportunities for rest and recreation, ing to fame asa health resort ? Walter’s Sanitarium was The above is a very correct illustration of one of the most the first, as it is the largest, and it has made tot itself an beautiful places in Pennsylvania, and the united testimony enviable reputation as a place whore the sick and the ail- of visitors is that instead of flattering our place if does its ing recover with great certainty, and where well people beauty and variety scant justice. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE with Sanitarium methods enable us to pictcnbcw ith great , dom ivhat the physician and the surgoon do butHowtlieydo precision, which is an important consideration when we it, that determine results. Bathsof all kind, Massage, Eleo considor the value of human life and health. For it Is sol- trieity.thoMovemotcure.arotheohlefSanitariummothocls. is the great representative system. Walter’s Sanitarium first introduced, It to the notice of the profession, and for eighteen years has continuously practised It with great success. It trains its own operators and tuaelies the aiit to scores of young women and men, enabling them thus to auudruplo their salaries, its graduates often earn sMiun to *8)00, per year. We would like to correspond with young women especially, with a view to their introduction to our f)i,fltnc.a of a loin uj on Sense Sit stem, *£.s cents. Hutritive-Vure, 25 cenfs. Rest Means of Rreservhtf/ anil Reoatnlnp Health, 20 cents. Recent Important Recoveries, 20 cents. Rhtlosphu of Health Reform, to cents. Hour lectures, 12 cents. The whole for 01.00. ROBERT WALTER, M. !>., Walter’s Park, Berks County, Pa. mm, penna. MASSAGE W. H. H. BULL, M. D. Surgeon and Gynaecologist. school. Terras very moderate. In the treatment of all forms of digestive and nervous ailments our methods have had an unusual success. In surgical oases and diseases of the female organism we are especially equipped. Send for circular and illus trated catalogue. The following literature is on sale, sent to my ad dress: