Struble, and Roop ; Rice, who had been a mem ber of the class during three years of its course in college, and who has since completed a course here, was also present. Three years since graduation have wrought slight changes in the appearance of all, though Hawk looks scarcely changed. Two members of the class, Jackson and Hawk, are married. The reunion banquet was enjoyed in Bellefonte on Wednesday afternoon, June 15. Miss Meek, the only lady of the class, presided. Many were the college reminiscences which set congenial spirits aglow, and pleasant was the flow of good feeling. The toasts were as follows : J. S. Weller, “The law of Courtship.” R. P. Swank, “Single Blessedness.” . W. B. Hawk, “Married Bliss.” C. G. Roop, “The Past.” J. Foster, “The Future.” D. Hunter, “Our Class,” J. P. Jackson, “Soothing Syrup.” Messages were received from absent members. The class voted to have a second reunion in 1895. Special effort will be made to make the next meeting a memorable one. The officers chosen for the next three years are, President, Miss Meek ; V. President, D. H. Hunter ; Secre tary, Roop. PERSONALS. ’92. A. C. Read intends to return to college next fall to take a past graduate course. ’92. N. M. Loyd has accepted a position on the repor.torial staff of the New York Mail and Ex press. ’92. N. P. Smiley who left college recently to accept a position offered to him then, returned for Commencement and was graduated with his ’92. C. H. Hile has been appointed to a fel lowship at the University of Wisconsin, in Madi son, on account of the excellence of his graduation THE FREE LANCE. ’9l. H. D. Long tells in a recent letter to Prof. Osmond some of his experience since graduation and says among other things, “I have found that there is no great difficulty for a man with plenty of push and energy to get a position ; I have had as high as three positions offered to me at the same time. ’ ’ He now holds the position of drafts man and designer in the Alternating Machine and Lamp department of the Thomson-Houston Co., Lynn, Mass., and has just refused a very good of fer from another company. ’9l. F. N. Weidner has just accepted a very good position with the Arnold Electrical Manu facturing Co., Chester, Pa. ’9O. J. B. Walker expects to take a post gradu ate course at Johns Hopkins next year. ’B7. W. F. White is manager of the Omaha, Nebraska, office of the Edison & Thompson- Houston Electric companies and has also been elected one of the five directors of the Omaha Electric Light Co., now owning a plant whose cost was over one million dollars. ’76. B. F. Keller, a practicing lawyer in Wash ington, D. C., was recently elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Tidewater Coal & Coke Co., Bramwell, W. Va. ’69. W. M. Stackhouse has recently been elect ed Prothonotary of Bucks county, Pa. Mrs. S. S. Pague, wife of Lieut. Pague the former commandant, and a great friend of many of the old students, is visiting her mother at Co lumbia, Pa. Mr. J. H. Root, instructor in mathematics, severed his connection with this college at the close of the present year and will accept in the fall a similar position in University of North Dakota, at Grand Forks. Prof. Louis H. Barnard of this institution who has been in Europe for some time past, and who for the last month has been visiting the different cities on the continent has returned to England and is at present residing in London.