HALL AND CAMPUS. How narrow, some may think, are the limits that constitute the boundary lines of our world, as we as students find it at P. S. C. We are brought together from all parts of the coun try to spend the greater part of the year. The majority, we will find, are earnest students intent upon better fitting themselves for the higher duties of life. Some come because they have to endure a certain num ber of years of study, if for no other purpose than to carry out, what seems to them a whim of their parents. A few, we will find, with no higherambi tion than that of the honor of graduation. Thus we find in our little world all sorts of ambitions, all kinds of characters and all the different man nerisms of as many different localities. The College like a huge and complicated piece of mechanicism with its different forces, influences and curriculum, takes up a strange conglomera tion of raw material with which to turn out the finished graduate. And yet, we choose to ob serve, to what a remarkable degree of perfection is the work accomplished. There is a blending force in the common inter est which all must have if they would be loyal in the least degree to their college. This is the force that tends to being all to a common plain, where distinction is based upon ability only, and invari ably the best interests are served by the ready recognition of this condition. One force tends to tear down and eradicate another to build up and round out. And so the forces all work together like the irresistable and hidden laws of the uni verse, and living in the little world which is con stituted by the college and its surroundings we all are subject to them. 13ut, can we call it a little world without any further qualification ?. Does it not all depend from what standpoint we take our view ? If in an intellectual sense we would draw our limits we would find them lost in the almost boundless space of ages. If we look from the practical and worldly standpoint of view, we find our limits become very much contracted ; and if THE FREE LANCE. we wish to look at it in a social light some might say our world is very narrow indeed. Let us look at this little world as it is reflected in the social light and see what is going on and how its people amuse themselves. Dancing I Yes! A splendid means for recrea tion and pastime. But let me think a. moment. The fact is Ido not readily recall the occurrence of this pastime or amusement. Ah ! I have it now! It was last term, I believe, that the Senior class, with a magnanimity forced into their natures by custom, gave the students an opportunity to indulge in this rare pleasure. But, strange to soy, they did not indulge to a very great extent. The truth is they seldom do. However, people came from the outside world and had a very pleasant time, and contributed very materially to the pleas ure of the Senior class. In the intervening time there has been one or two very small but very pleasant entertainments given in this delightful art. A new interest has been awakened in this amusement that bids fair to have a very lasting effect upon society at P. S. C. The 400 is the noble band that was willing to stake their pocket-books and reputation upon the success of the dance given. But in order that it should be a success and that the greatest number of stu dents might have an opportunity of taking part in it, young ladies were not allowed upon the floor and the students all went masked. As was expected there was a large turn out and much amusement was derived from this society Another means by which the social horizon is widened, is Whist. The indulgence in this game at times becomes almost a mania with some, and in the worst stages of the epidemic it has been aptly named Whisteria. It gets hold of all sorts of players, good, bad and indifferent, and the more indifferent players it takes possession of the more acute the suffering. At this phase of this