OUR ALUMNI Our Dear Alumni :—Have you ever been on the staff of the college paper—the FREE LANCE ? If so —and we hope you havewe know you can appre ciate our sorrow when we tell you of the infinite 'influx of correspondences from among your num ber, which we are unable to print. By .this article we do not, in the least, mean to set a damper on the zeal and enthusiasm of our worthy and beloved .predecessors. For although we have not the space to allow their publication, we nevertheless enjoy reading them ourselves. So please do not weary in the good work already begun ; .and although they, cannot appear at . pres ent,' knowing the wish of the students •to learn a little of the successes of those equipped with the same implements of warfare with which they are to launch out in a few years—all contained in these articles—and knowing the fond desire of you alumni to hear from one another—probably' most conveniently through this medium—we hope in a few years to be able to bind these manuscripts and . sell them at mere cost. In view of. this fact we would ask those possessing, interesting data to kind kr forward it to this office. We know there is the college annual—La Vie— which will give everything of . interest of alma wafer, but that does not touch so much on those who have older grown. Here 's an alumnus in Pennsylvania would like to know of the one in California. and the one in California would like to hear from others etc. Do you not see what success this book will be if this vigorous corre spondence is continued for a few years ? AMERICAN COLLEGES AT THE CIII CAGO The Chicago Exposition of 1893, is expected to show to the world the grand resources of this country,. its advancement in manufactures, mining and all other great industries; its progress in ar. chitecture, painting, and sculpture. Never be THE FREE LANCE. fore in the history of any country has an exhibi tion of this character been planned on such a scale of magnificence. The great exhibits, which will be made in every branch of art or iridustry, will well show the rapid advancement which has been made in these lines since the Exposition of x 876; but one of the most important factors of the Chicago Exposition has yet received but little notice, namely, the displays of the various Ameri can colleges and universities. Now, more than ever, is the fact recognized, that the educational institutions of any country are the true indices of its prosperity. The Unit ed States may well be proud of her schools and colleges, which, though yet in their infancy, equal, if they do not excel, those of any nation in the world. Our. college and university system of to-day is the growth of only a little over one hundred years, and the advantages offered for se curing an education in any line, classical, scien tific, or technical, surpass anything in Europe. The American college if its excellence were known, would draw students from every quarter of the globe, and instead ofmany Americans going abroad to secure an education they would remain here. The coming Columbian Exposition offers an opportunity, which may not occur again in a century, for our colleges to make an adequate dis play of the superior advantages social,economical, and moral. which they offer to students, and they should make special exertions during the coming year, and be prepared to make a complete display in all courses of the work accomplished. If this is done, visitors from foreign countries will obtain a clear idea of the great progress in the learning and the civilization of this country, which will benefit not only the United States, but the cause of higher educatiiin all over the world. With faces all haggard they sat 'round the board, Three gamblers, each eyeing intently hie hoard. The candle burned dimly, and 'round the whole mom THE PHANTOM POKER PLAYER. M. W. D.