A mode ofestablishing a court for the trial of these controversies was specifically prescribed. This was adopted in z 777. The first controversy aris ing was that between Pennsylvania and Connecti cut over the fair and fertile 'Wyoming—a territory of five million acres. Delegates from each State met and failed to agree. Resort was had to arms, and much blood was shed. Connecticut inform ed Congress of the state of affairs, and that body appointed Rutledge, Chase, Jefferson, Kinsey and Hopkins a committee. This committee recom• mended the cessation of hostilities and a settle ment in a legal way. Peace once more reigned. After the Articles of Confederation were finally ratified, investing Congress with the powers above referred to, Pennsylvania prayed Congress for a hearing. Congress set a day for a hearing, which was noticed to both parties, and at the time desig nated the disputants appeared by their agents. The States were then directed to appoint, by joint consent, commissioners to constitute a court. This was done, The Court sat at Trenton. Fifteen days were devoted to arguments. The Court decided for Pennsylvania. This was the only decision in controversies between States under the Articles of Confederation. The judg ment was approved by Congress, and it was ac quiesced in by Connecticut. This did not prevent a war growing out of ad verse claims to the private right of soil between individuals, and the "Pennamite and Yankee" war was the result, but Pennsylvania confirmed to actual settlers their lands, and the district was erected into the County of Luzerne. Pennsylvania and Virginia differed as to the famous "Mason and Dixon's" line. A commis sion, composed of clergy in Virginia and college professors in Pennsylvania, finally agreed upon the line. New Jersey and Virginia differed as to a tract called Indiana, in the Northwest Territory. No commission was appointed, for Virginia presented to Congress a deed of cession in 1784. New York claimed the land between the Merri- TITE FRE E LANCE. mac and the Charles, but before the commission which had been appointed had met, the two con tending States, New York and Massachusetts, set tled the dispute between themselves. South Carolina and Georgia fought for the upper waters of the Savannah river. The States failed to agree upon a commission, as directed by Congress, and that body chose a court for the purpose, but the States came to an agreement. New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Massachusetts quarrelled over the region lying be tween Lake Champlain and the Connecticut river, which resulted in the recognition of "the pretend• ed State of Vermont" as a State. Thus much for early controversies. In case of conflicts now arising, we quote from Article 111, Sec. 1, of the Constitution : "The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Su preme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish," and from Sec. 2 "The judicial power shall extend to 4 " 1 "I' controversies between two or more States. 4 " 1 "1'" It is altogether likely that the States of Ohio and Indiana would be able to adjust any difference that might arise from an error in survey or otherwise, and that the course taken in early controversies would become unnecessary. liMy noble boy remember this," she sail, (lie stooped and kissed tho tears stood in her eyes) "For glory e'en has coward fought anti Wad, The bravest only, learn to sacrifice." He plucked the white rose from his mother's breast, And fondly made his last adieu, “The white rose of York, he oiled, shall be my crest I" "I'll keep it, dear, in memory of you," They stormed a town wherein the desperate foe, Sword to sword opposed, and lire to lire, "Who takes their traitorous chief'," proclaimed the king, "Shall have reward unto his last desire.' They bore the fair young victor to his liege, "Ask what thou wilt, I'll never say thee no," "One boon—your footnan's life"—the boy replied, And softly "My mother would have had it so," W. C. SPRAQUE, ESQ. 40.••••- VICTORY.