- A4 4 ZireiZZUMU ova= coulauleak. -roitlA LER 1N $q DRY Gooi)s, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, T ABLE AND p OCIK ET c uTLER DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dried Fruits and Garden Seeds, -FLOUR AND FEED.- CHOICE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES. Eltablished !8451 EIMER & AMEND, All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles. Sole Agents for Renowned Factories. 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Ave., Cor. 18th St., New York: PLAIN* and FANCY CAKE PIES, STAPLE BREAD, CONFECTIONREY, ICE CREAM, and all kinds of FRI.II STUDY LAW AT HOME. , • VAN Take a Course in tl ;, • Sprague Correspondence School of L Incorporated. Send ten cen (stamps) for particulars to Importers and Manufacturers Chemicals and Chemical Apparatus. Bohemian Glassware, Nickelware, German Glass Goods, Platinaware, German Por celains, Balances and Weights, Microscopes, Collections, &c., &c. hECKENMEISTER & BLICKFOR STATE COLLECE BAKERY. Manufacturers iin4 Deiders iu Parties given Special Attontion.-10 State College, Pra. COTNIFIR, Jr., See. No. 376 Whitney 13Iouk, DETROIT, MICH .—•)-2.-4-0 c4—t-4.—• Estabilmhed .183