the duty of the secretary to keel) in a book pro vided for that purpose, full and complete minutes of the proceedings of the association. He shall also keep in a book provided for that purpose, a complete and correct list of the records of the var ious sports of the association. He shall at the opening of each meeting count the number of per sons present and announce the result to the presi dent who shall decide as to the presence of a quo rum. He shall also carry on the correspondence of the association proper Sec. 4.—Duties of the Marshall The Marshall shall have in charge all athletic goods which be long to the association and shall collect the same when not in authorized use; and shall maintain order and collect tickets on clays of games and sports. Sec. s.—Duties of Board of Auditors: It shall be the duties of the board of auditors to inspect subscription lists and audit all accounts created by benefits for the association and at the ending of each term they shall audit and report the account of each treasurer. ARTICLE Iv . Gov ER N M ENT OF FOOT-BALL DEPARTMENT. Sec. z.—This department shall be composed of five elected members, two (2) of whom and not more, shall have been members of last season's team. The Captain and Manager shall be mem bers ex-officio. Sec. 2.—The elected board shall at the begin ning of the winter term elect a manager of the foot-ball team. Sec. 3.—On the Saturday following Thanksgiv ing day the team shall elect a captain for the next season. • Sec. 4.—The word team wherever used shall mean the regular players and subs. Sec. s.—The duties of the board of directors shall be to select the team and the elected members together with the manager shall advise with the captain in the placing of the men., The elected board together with the captain shall act as an advisory committee to the manager. THE FREE LAN CE. See. 6,—lt shall be the duty of the manager to make and accept all challenges and to attend to all business matters incident to the game. As treas urer he shall take charge of all money belonging to his department and to keep in a book, provided for the purpose, an account of all financial transac tions and at the expiration of his term of office to present a full account of the receipts and expendi tures during his continuance of office and hand over to his successor all books and monies belong ! ing to his department. ARTICLE V. BASE BALI, DEPARTMENT. The control of this department shall correspond to that of the foot-ball department, excepting the date of the election of captain which shall be the Saturday preceding commencement day. ARTICLE VI. GENERAL ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Sec. L—The control of this department shall be vested in a committee of five members elect ed at the beginning of the college year who shall choose one of their number as manager of this department. Sec. 2.—The duties of the manager shall be the same as of the other departments, See. r.—Elections : All elections shall be by Sec. 2.—ln elections the one receiving the high est number of votes shall be declared elected. This constitution shall remain unaltered except by a four-fifths (4-5) vote of all present members and after two (2) weeks notice in writing. Sec. I.—This association shall hold its meetings at such time and at such place as the president may direct See. 2.—The president shall call a meeting at the request of three (3) members. Sec. 3.—Forty (4o) per cent. of active mem bers fhall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VII ARTICLE VIII BY-LAWS ARTICLE I