MERE BROTHERS, Standard Scales, T i rS t rar irA s CINES and Trucks, •WOIIKN : 11111 St., ithf.we Itl itst ESTABLISHED 1841. US'. R. Brachbill, No. 20, Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Dealer in'and Importer of 0 FURNITURE AND . * BEDDING, parlor Furniture, Library Furniture, CHAMI3ER FURNITURE. Speylal Faelllties for Earsibilalng Fraternal llleapt er lion Sen. bottre ip pots or glasses in the house, are a source of pleasure during the winter and early spring•—Require no /1(111 & little Care. Fancy Flower rots and Vases, Rustic Hanging Baskets and HYACINTH GLiIqSES Flower Stands, Fertilizers, Leaf Barrows, Tree Tubs, Etc. Descriptive circulars with prices sent to all Applicants. n. Li A. N" 7:1 ./11..M. rr ME CIO 63 CO .N . Si 1 21 anti 23 South Sixth Street, (het ween Market and Chestnut Strects,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. And Delnwnre Avenue ntni Arch Sircet, TON ) SORIAL 7110 W, STATE Ci." I .LT.JEC+3O, PA. Stylish Itair 'Cutting, 'Easy Shaving, tiomfortable Furniture. Williams, Brown I Carle, N. E. Cor. 10th and Chestnut Ste. PHILADELPHIA. Optical and Photographic Supplies of Every Description. PHI LAD ELM I A eqb- ID A. A rif ll) 001 1,0 - 1 v" C'i la KS' PC).1.3.E, EROCKERMOFF HOUSE BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA. Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoos a Specially, )lanted during the fall, in the garden ; or BUNNELL & AIKENS' Music Siffore. Car. Allegheny and Bishop Sts. 1343110gCisrite, I= l ' art , Plans, Organs and Latest sheet Este. PICTURES, JEWELRY, WATCHES. Frames illado to Order.