SUFIS and OVERCOATS niacin to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The /latest Mate of Wooteam always on hand—al throaoh the year. Illontgornert, State College tOotel, STATE COLLEGE, PA, Largest House and Best Accommo dations in Town. ' Steam Heat. ‘ S. ,S. 0 RIME, . lit'vprletor. B. C. Achenbach, C,ator4ei",l -1 'Bishop Street, Bellefonte Telephone 614. William Mann Company, BLANK - BOOK MAKERS AND STA-, TIONERS, ' LEth,ograpitert and Printers. 529 Market, St. ADVERTISEMENTS -+IBELLEFO and Confectioner. PHILADELPHIA.. A large and varied aasoriment of HAS,. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING G( ea, faifors, TE, .4 PA."- Wanamaker & fir PIitLADALPHIA. LIRGEST CLOTHING 11-A 11 D-II MERCHANT TAILORING 11 IN AMERICA. . P. AIKENI3, Agent STATE COLLEC .._._._._._..._,. .P '' vi#‘\ GILLotp 0 t i Zieef 'enz. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. Rte Celebrated Number*, , 303-404—1 70-604-332 v and his other atgleAay be had ar an dealer* throughout the world, Joseph 4illott & Sons, Now York,