teen chips are placed in the middle of the table. When the cards are dealt each player takes up his hand and when the play commences instead of playing out in the middle of the table, each places his card in front of himself and on seeing who wins the trick he turns it over, face down to his right and thus continues to play and place his cards until the thirteen are played. The tricks are recorded by the winner drawing a chip from the middle of the table. The first hand being played, each one places the hand which he has just played in the box to his left, face upwards. This is done with each hand until the twelve decks are dealt, the deal going around the table the same as in ordinary whist. After the twelve hands have been played each player then passes his box which contains the hands which he has just played to the player on his right, thus the op ponents gets the hands which their adversaries had before, and these hands are played until the whole twelve are played. The number of points are then summed up for the whole series of hands. The game is a very fascinating one, as it brings in more directly the real contest of skill in the man agement of hands, and it does away entirely with the idea of one being a Jonah for an evening. _.....,,,,A ~.,.., c0N....,. , .„... ,4 . • rt. , g ;1* • .: -•,,t_-_-.- 4' 4 4 rP I„ e r 11/ 41. The Preparatory Department Reading Room has recently received some fifty volumes of refer- ence books. Dr. Fernald recently received some fine m Aim ed specimens and costly models for the Biologi- cal Museum. The first snow of the season in this vicinity fell on Wednesday night, November 4th, and c.m. tinued to fall almost all of the following day. THE FREE LANCE. At the convention of the Phi Gamma Delta fra ternity held in Pittsburgh on Thursday, October z9th, the local chapter was represented by J. M. The time will sool be here for making out a schedule for indoor si»rts for next term and every one should take an interest and try to make them a success A schedule of class games in foot-ball will soon be arranged and the out-look is promising for some very, interesting games as each class has a fairly good team. About four hundred new books have been add ed to the library this fall. Among these we note, as being especially a valuable and useful work, the Century Encyclopedia. The Christina Endeavor Society of the Presby terian church social and festival at the residence of Mr. F. L. Olds. It was largely attended and was in every respect a success. The following officers have been elected in the Cresson Literary Society : President, H. W. Mattern ; Sec. Barndollar; Critic, Musser ; Treas. F. K•. Mattern ; Banker, McDowell. One of the latest improvements about the cam pus is the gradual cleaning out of undesirable trees from the college woods with a view to making a grove in the very near future. ~.f~ ~~;~ '~~i~.~ ' ~4::~r,.~ 4.r'. The game of foot-ball which was to have been played between Haverford and State College on November i4th, has been postponed until some date yet to be arranged after Thanksgiving. :0 4 .. ,:..,... ...,.,:k ~.,‘,.. p.,..e , . ..i. ...„.„,......„.„ •;,....,...,,„ • i The Engineering Journal will not be published this fall owing to the fact that the present small membership of the society renders it impossible to have sufficient matter for the issue prepared. The executive committee of the Board of Trus tees at a meeting held during the present month voted an appropriation of fifty dollars to the Ath letic Association, as a recognition of the excel lent services rendered by the students during the recent fire on the. College property.