C. H. Hile had charge of the Experiment Sta tion Exhibit at the Grangers' Picnic, Centre Hall. He, in company with C. H. Zink, had charge of a similar Exhibit at Williams Grove Picnic. Foot-ball in P. S. C. has started out with a rush. The first and second teams are now in ac tive training for the season with the Inter Co11e• giate Association. The first game of the season was played on Friday, September t Ith. Lieutenant Wolf has been reported as saying that the trip to Gettysburg is now an assured fact. He is preparing for it by an unusually strict and vigorous drill of the new students in order to have them ready to go into the battalion at an early date, The testing of breeds of dairy cattle at the World's Fair will be under the supervision of H. P. Armsby, W. A. Henry and W. N. Cooke Di rectors of the Experiment Stations of Pennsyl vania, Wisconsin and Vermont, This goes to show in what high regard the director of this sta tion is held in the agricultural world. Dame Rumor has it that at the meeting of the Executive Committee held in the Presidents office on Thursday, September 17, it was agreed to fur nish a trainer for the foot-ball team. If so the members of that committee Ex-Governor James A. Beaver, Capt. C. W. Roberts and Dr. George W. Atherton deserve the thanks of every man in college. The college authorities have been using the money appropriated for walks wisely and well. In addition to a general repairing of the walks and avenues, they have put in one or two new walks. The new walk from the main building to the Chemical Laboratory is especially worthy of mention for it fiills a long felt want to those whose studies lead them to the Chemical Laboratory. The chapter house of the Sigma Chi fraternity is now well under way.. The excavation is finish ed and the foundation walls are under way. The lumber is on the ground and as soon as the walls THE FREE LANCE. are in shape the carpenters will begin work. Standing as it does on one of the most command ing sites in the village it will, when completed, make a decided addition to the town. The following is the roster of offices of the Washington Literary Society : President, . Vice President, Critic, . Recording Sec. Treasurer, . Editors, } Owing to the fact that several of the men on the first team are in the classes of '94 and '95, the classes have agreed to dispense with the cane rush and decide the question of the Freshmen carrying canes by a game of foot-ball. This was brought about by the decided action of the foot ball committee and by the desire of all students to see the eleven make as good a showing as pos sible in the Lafayette and Lehigh games. Following the custom, the Sophomore class held the annual cider racket on Friday evening, September 25. A barrel of cider was secured and placed in the fifth floor hall and every one invited to partake. The festivity was somewhat marred by the untimely appearance of one of the profes sors. But upon his departure the fun commenc ed again and mirth and jollity reigned supreme for a couple of hours. It was a decided success in spite of the interruption. During vacation the authorities selected some thirty rooms that were in bad repair and thor oughly refitted them. The walls were cleaned and papered in a delicate light shade. In addi tion a strip for pictures was put around the walls. The rooms now present a more inviting and cheer ful aspect than heretofore and as it is the purpose of the authorities to continue the work the entire building will be renovated in two or three years. In addition to this new tables, beds and chait4 were put in many of the rooms. . S. Herbert Brown. . G. Snyder. . .. Miss Wyman. . . Peffer. J. M. Brewer.