tion becomes more general (and the day will come when every person in our land will be able to read and write), our morals will be better instead of worse. Education raises the standard of thought to a higher level. Public opinion will require a higher moral standard. Our papers will not be so largely filled with accounts of crimes committ ed. Ido not mean to say that crime will vanish altogether; far from it ; but it will be lesscommon. Looking backward over the progress we have made and peering into the future, it does seem that like "The Children of Israel" of old, we are indeed a chosen people. That we have been se lected from the nations of earth to demonstrate what a "government of the people, by the people and for the people" may become—a nation of cities and of men in the highest and best sense of the word. P. P. STURDEVANT. ELECTRICAL PROGRESS. We clip the following from an article written by Prof. A. S. Kimball of the Worcester Poly technic Institute: Fifteen years ago when engineers were asked what electricity promised in the near future, their answers claimed so broad a field of application that few were found whose confidence in the new science was strong enough to allow them to treat the prophecy seriously. To-day the electrical engineer is as confident of the future as he was in that early time ; his plans seem almost as visionary, but he has conquered respect. Large undertakings need opportunity, capital and ample time for their complete devel opment; but enough has been done to assure us that the possibilities of electricity were not over estimated. During the past year no great discoveries in the science have been announced, and no new and wonderful application of electricity to the arts has been made ; nevertheless, substantial pro gress has been realized. One of the most assur ing features of electric business is the air of per- THE FREE LANCE. manence •it is acquiring. Cheap engines and boilers, tempory quarters and makeshift appli ances are rapidly giving way to thoroughly built stations designed with the greatest care for the work and equipped with the best modern ma chinery. Capital has found out that the business has come to stay, and will pay dividends on lib eral investments. At the same time the business is rapidly in creasing. According to estimates presented at the meeting of the National Electric Light Asso ciation last August, there are in the United States 1,379 stations, representing nearly one hundred and twenty millions of capital invested, supply ing 127,000 arc and 1,590,000 incandescent lights. But the most astonishing development is to be seen in the application of electricity to motor work. There are now in the United States more electric street railways, with 1,500 miles of track and 3,000 motor cars already built ; and over t,OOO miles more will be completed early this year. Experience has shown that the run ning expenses of a well built and equipped elec tric road are less than those of a horse car line of the same capacity and we may feel tolerably sure that as soon as the electric roads have passed suc cessfully the ordeal of a severe winter, and the relative merits of rival systems have been ascer tained, the days of the horse car will be number ed. Electric engineers will then turn their at tention to long distance railroading with heavy traffic and challenge the locomotive. We have no right to expect that the introcluc • tion of an agent distributing energy on so large • a scale as required by our electic light and power systems will be unattended with difficulties. When telegraph and telephone wires were first erected, they had the whole field to themselves, and they dealt with small currents. Poor insulation harmed no one but the owners of the lines, and they balanced their loss from leakage against the cheaper construction required. Now the use :of heavy currents has made poor insulation not only expensive but it has interfered with the telephone