The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1891, Image 2
hours, the latitude of the gentlemen for walking and other out-door exercises is not restricted, while it is with lady stu dents. In view of these considerations we think that the young ladies should give more time to gymnasium practice than the young men should. A greater interest has already been shown by them than the majority of male students have ever shown, and if this interest can be kept up, good re sults are sure to follow. Right here we venture to say that in both cases, gymnasium practice for young men and women should be com pulsory. Since we have had the new building and its splendid equipment of apparatus, no person could but notice i the physical development in those who have taken an interest in it. This might be true of all our students were they use the gymnasium regu larly, even though the time so spent should be little. Although we have al ways appreciated the gymnasium, (for we saw the time, when we had none,) yet some students think themselves so well developed physically, that they never take advantage of the opportuni ties offered them in this line, except to see from mere curiosity what feats they can perform. A person should no more stop his physical culture because he has became proficient, than should an expert phy sician stop his practice of medicine for the same reason. We hope the young THE FREE LANCE. ladies will set a good example for the whole body of students by persevering in their new field of opportunities, They have one advantage which the gentle men have not : a competent instructor ; and we expect to see in a short time such a degree of proficiency as shall cause the young men to look enviously upon their accomplishments, and be led thereby to greater exertions. THE rumor that there is a possibility of the Faculty granting to the corps of cadets a week in camp during the spring term warrants a few words be ing said in support of an action of tha kind. Theory without practice in military matters is of little consequence ; and there is no branch of military tactics in which this is more strikingly true than in the study of guard duty. It is one most interesting as well as the most in structive and important branch of mili tary science. A thorough knowledget of how to organize, conduct and control a military 'camp is of the utmost impor tance to every student of military science. Where could this knowledge be more satisfactorily attained than in a military camp conducted stringently up on military principles ? Surely there can be no doubt as to its value, and a week spent in this manner will not be wasted, but on the . contrary will be the means of infusing into the minds of the cadets the importance and solemnity of