The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1890, Image 21

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    He’s on tho road to rlohcs,
And In every walk of life,
You frequently havo soon him
In poaoo-not oft In strife.
He Is an individual
Whoso bruin we all respect,
For what ho hasn’t In It
More than Ills intellect.
Of all the human nuisances
That we now recall
Tho one you meet most often
Isthoman who “knows It all."
l’lcturos of saints of ages gone
Are thrown athwart tho floor,
And a single ray of tho setting sun
Steals In thro’ the old church door j
It falls like a halo round the head
Of a kneeling figure repeating a prayer,
Whoso dark eyes now are dlsorootly closod—
The Saint of tho century, passing fair.
Still so still, Is the vaulted room,
Save the murmur of the air,
Tho stained glass throws on tho opposite wall
An angel's Imago there;
But the flguro kneeling so prayerfully,
With tho sun shine caught In horgold brown hair’
Is thinking of sombody now, I know—
The Saint of the Century passing fair.
Will her voloo be as soft, will hor eyes be as mild,—
When I tell hor, I wonder. Shall I dare
To tell her I love her—also her to be
Mu Saint of the Century passing fair ?
The Pharetra for November is a lively issue
and contains several excellent articles among
which we noticed particularly a well written essay
on the “Limit of Human Progress” and a very
pretty translation from the Japanese entitled
“The Good Mikado" made by a Japanese student
of Wilson. We think however that the exchange
column would be improved if the editor would
devote more space to kindly praise or criticism
instead of devoting two columns to a succession
of short notices such as: “the Princetonian is an
interesting weekly” or “the Harvard Lampoon is
as entertaining as ever,” etc.
Quite a number of our exchanges come to us
much improved in appearance. The Dickinson
Liberal and the Wake Forest Student we noticed
as having new and neat covers which are much
more tasty than their old ones. To our mind,
though, the blue of the Bethany collegian’s old
cover is much more preferable than the yellow
binding in which it now appears.
One of the most remarkable articles which it
has been our privilege to read in any college
paper appears in the recent issue of the North
Carolina University Magazine entitled “Let the
South and West Unite.” We do not consider it
our place to enter into a discussion of a political
question, such as the writer here attempts to
elucidate, but we cannot suppress a smile when
we read from the University Magazine of the
“haughty oppression of the North, which enjoys
marvelous prosperity while the West (built up in
half a century) is retarded by unnatural barriers.”
The author completely forgets the great amount
of Northern capital that is to-day building up the
Southern industries, but after a long harangue
writes “While the Northern deities hold high car
nival etc., let us turn from the East —reek-
ing with political corruption—to the West” etc.
He leaves us no room to doubt of course that the
North reeks with political corruption while such
a thing is unknown to the South, yet we cannot
but think that he would improve a really well
written article if he would place in it a little more
of the spirit of fairness to both sides and not write
as if he thought his was the only way of looking
at it.
Nassau lAt•
The Nov. number of the Haverfordonian criti
cises an editorial on cane rushing which some
time ago appeared in the Columbia Spectator and
reports the success which has attended the abol
ishing of class rushes at Haverford where this year
*93 treated ’94 to a spread instead of a class fight.
We notice that this has been done at many of our
colleges and the question as to the advisability of
such a movement has been largely discussed by