Mr. T. A. Gilkey, ’9l. has been absent since Oct. 17 owing to the illness of his mother. Mr. J. F. Shields, ’9l, has been seriously ill since November 20, but we are glad to note that he is improving. Ex-’9O. Henry Quigley spent Sunday recently at the College. ’9O. Ira C. Ellenberger spent a few days at College during Thanksgiving week. ’9O. George R. Meek attended the Yale- Princeton game in New York on Thanksgiving day. Ex-’9o. Frank P. Atherton is traveling in the West as Musical Director for the Roycelansing Opera Company. ’9O. R. L. Watts is Assistant Botanist at the University, and Horticulturist of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxville, Tenn. '9O. W. B. Jackson has gone to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he will be employed in the Banking house of his uncle, W. Jackson. ’B9. J. M. Waldron is located at Taff, Alabama, and is engaged in railway engineering. 'B5. C. C. Chesney is in the employment of the Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company of Pittsfield, Mass. ’B5 Dugald C. Jackson has been appointed Dis trict Engineer of the Edison General Electric Company. His headquarters will be in the Rialto Building, Chicago. ’B2. J. G. White & Co., is the name of a new firm just opening an office at 50 Broadway, this city, to do a general business as electrical engi neers and contractors. Mr. White was formerly the general manager of the Western Engineering Company of Kearney, Neb., but has disposed of all his interest in that concern, and will now give his entire attention to the prompt and careful con sideration of all engineering or business problems that may be submitted to the new firm. Among the installations of the Western Engineering Com pany over the construction of which Mr. White frit flee Lancl. exercised supervision may be mentioned the rail way plants at Omaha, Neb. j St. Jo, Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah ; Nashville, Tenn.; Sioux Falls, So. Dak., and Sherman, Tex., as well as electric light plants at Lincoln, Kearney and Fremont, Neb., and Council Bluffs, la.—“ The Electrical World.” DIRECTORY. WASHINGTOn LITERARY SOCIETY. President J.H. Yocum. Bee. Secretary F. G. Smith. Cor. Secreatry Fred Dale, Treasurer F. J. Pond. OrESSON LITERARY SOCIETY. President C. C. Hildebrand. Bee. Secretary John White. Cor. Secretary W. B. Calder. Treasurer 11. W. Matiern. ENGINEERING SOCIETY. President F. A. Griffin. Secretary W. W. Bohn. Treasurer T. A. Gilkey. Editor of the Engineer Journal, Hugh Hamilton, .Tr. Y. M. 0. A. President T. A. Gilkey. Bee. Secretary J. M. Brewer. Cor. Secretary Bay Kessler, Treasurer W. M. Camp. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. President Secretary Treasurer CLASS OP '9l. President W. M. Camp, Secretary I). M. Taylor. CLASS OP '92. President C. C. Hildebrand. Secretary D. L.Sommerville, CLASS OP '93. President Jos. J. Kintner. Secretary C. M. Cuughey, CLASS OP '94. G. A. Guyer. President Secretary Miss Eva Bell. ... C. If. Hilo. .. C, C, Hildebrand. .. C. E. Anil.