Wanted : Wholesale prices on sole leather, by the Big-footed-four. Direct all correspondence to Secretary McGregor. The Faculty has seen fit this year to grant the Friday following Thanksgiving as a holiday. This opportunity was taken by not a few to go home and enjoy their Thanksgiving under the parental roof. The Freshmen are certainly energetic. They have formed a glee club to consist of eight mem bers, also an orchestra to have the same number of members. The glee club is under the manag ership of Martin and the orchestra under that of Banks. Brown W. H. to Eachus (Both in bed at 7:45 a. m.) —“Hey there Charlie, d’ye hear that in spection bell ?” Charlie—“ Urn.” Brown—“lf the inspector don't wake me up soon, I’m in for three straight zips to-day.” There has been organized, under the leader ship of Prof. T. R. Beyers, a college orchestra. This is a movement which is highly appreciated and much needed. There is quite an amount of musical genius among our students which needs only to be brought out. Clarke at the transit. Taylor keeping notes. Two State College, belles passing near them un- noticed Clarke—“ Fifteen degrees and fifteen minutes. Please take note of those symmetrical figures will you ?” Taylor—“ Now I think you had better turn around and take your bearing," The following additional promotions have been made in the Corps of Cadets: Cadet J. F. Shields, to be Ist Lieut., Co. “C.” To be Sergeants: Cadets Bush, Stephenson, Ath erton, Pratt, Read and Hile. To be Corporals: Mitchell, Butts, Dale, F., Furst, J. K., Girvin, C. J., Furst, J. H., Caughey, McDowell, W. J., Mattern, R. 8., Rothrock, Fay, C. R., and Jsachus, THE FREE LANCE. The Senior Class in Geology recently took a trip across Bald Eagle Valley in order to study the formation of the rocks there and in the neigh- boring mountains. The Phi Gamma Djlta Fraternity gave a re ception in their handsomely furnished home on the evening of Friday, Nov. 14th. In their usual excellent manner they entertained their many friends, both of this place and the neighboring towns. Music was furnished by the Bellefonte Orchestra. The Electrotechnic Department has re cently received from the JV. Y. Insulated Wire Co., a very handsome and valuable exhibit of the Grimshaw insulated wires, cables, etc., elegantly mounted in a cherry case. These goods are among the best in the market for telephone, tele graph, and electric light and power use. The Second Rhetorical Exhibition passed off very satisfactorily Wednesday evening, Dec. 3. The program was as follows: Orations by C. H. Hile, N. M. Loyd, H. R. Pratt and F. J. Pond. Declamations by Messrs. C. R. Fay, C. J. Gir vin, A. G. Guyer, L, W. Mattern, Mr. Haas and Misses Grace M. Lung, Myria Holliday and Agnes Schaffer. We are pleased to note the extensive develop ment of musical talent in our institution. Besides the new College orchestra there has been organ ized at the Cottage a Comb Troupe under the direction of Prof. Gray. We were highly favor ed by the company with several pieces excellently rendered, and we are eagerly looking forward to the concert to be given in the near future. Many persons experienced a decided disap pointment upon hearing that Col. Sanford was unable to meet his engagement at this place for Nov. 17th, but by the endeavors of the Athletic Association the Hon. T. M. Taylor of New York City was secured to fill the date, reading one of his interesting lectures entitled, “Cranks.” The audience was also favored with several se» lections by tj>e pew College Orchestra,