The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1890, Image 14
ural adornment 1 The entire sum could be wise ly and economically used in providing for imme diate and present needs. When that is accom plished the State College will offer in these de partments, as it now offers in several others, all the appliances that any earnest student needs in order to give the most thorough preparation for his professional work. 3. A separate building for the gymnasium. The growth of interest in and attention to athletic exercises in the College has fully kept pace with its growth in other directions. This interest has been maintained in spite of many drawbacks, and while the work of the Military Department fur nishes a regular and invigorating physical exer cise, it is not sufficient to give the special and ex tended training required by those who wish to give more attention to athletics. lam heartily and'earnestly in favor of whatever can be done by the trustees to promote this important branch of voluntary training. So far as I have been able to observe, few, if any, of our men have suffered in intellectual work or standing by reason of de votion to athletic exercises. On the contrary their influence has been, almost without exception stimulating and beneficial. The enterprise of two of the college fraternities is worthy of special mention. They have, within the last six months, taken possession of new and handsome cottages specially erected for their use, thus furnishing an important relief to the pres sure upon the College rooms and at the same time creating a change in the habit of social and domestic life among the members of those fra ternities and, indirectly, among other students, which is, in every way, as far as I can judge, beneficial and healthful. COMMUNICA TION. Mr, Editor :—Since in these modern days when educational institutions have at last awak ened to the fact that a sound and healthy body is tin important adjunct to a strong Snd vigorous THE FREE LANCE. mind, there is a tendency in the public mind to criticise the course of many of our colleges for apparently giving to much prominence to sports. Those engaged. in the busy pursuits of everyday life are inclined to look upon the sports of college life as a mere pasttime or simply child’s play engaged in only to gratify the desire for pleasure. They hear only the boisterous exhibition induced by engaging iri health giving sports. They for get the many long hours of hard and laborious study spent in the quiet of the student’s room. They hear nothing of the quiet and often brill iant progress made by the true seeker after knowl edge. True students do not herald their learning to the world with shouting voices and the assist ance of a brass band. The public hears the noise of the playgrounds and is too prone to judge that because here being where the most noise comes from, here must be where the most atten tion goes. The whole fault lies in the superficial judgment of what those out of college call play. They forget the healthful and exhilerating impetus given to the blood made sluggish by weary hours of study. The building up of strong and healthy muscle. The fresh and invigorating influence of the air upon the lungs while engaged in active sports. In fact they forget all that goes to give sports the dignity they deserve in college life. However this is digressing from my original in tention. I would speak of our sports at P. S. C. and of our immediate wants for the successful and profitable participation in the same. With the Fall Term close all outdoor sports. No more stirring scenes on the Foot Ball field for one year. Base Ball is out of the question until spring—i. e. real games. The practice for the coming season of base ball should begin with Winter Term. The armory may be used and there is good material to be developed. But thfe practice includes comparatively few of the many who need exercise. Winter sports is what we' want to turn our attention to. Ask the proper authorities td get the hfccesSfiry appliances—such