settled, and that by the granting of all that the strikers, demanded. If Gov. Hill had had the hardihood to carry out his famous saying, “I am a Democrat,” as Gov. Seymour did before him, perhaps the N. Y. central strike in 1890 might have been differently settled and with less incon venience to the public. The apparent satisfaction with which C. D. S. views the rumor that capitalists are to combine to protect themselves against strikes, shows quite clearly where his sympathy is in the struggle between capital and labor, notwithstanding his declaration that he is not “hostile to organized labor:” he would undoubtedly approve the fol lowing definitions clipped from a Kansas paper, viz : “A strike is a conspiracy of ignorant social istic workmen j a lockout is the inalienable, ma litia-backed-up rights of a corporation to manage its own affairs free from outside dictation.” Ac cording to this view the millennium will be reach ed and perfection in the relations of capital and labor when the railroads, for instance, are so thoroughly organized that, a strike being ordered on one, every road in thecounty can, by concert ed action suspend operations until the strikers surrender and place themselves at the disposal of the corporation. The inconvenience to the pub lic caused by stopping all railroad traffic would be so trifling compared with that caused by the strike on one road j and, besides, public opinion conld be more thoroughly concentrated against the few men who were so ignorant and foolish as to murmur against the bountiful provision made for them and the easy conditions of servitude im posed upon them by the conscientious, too-hon est-to-injure-a-poor - man, -corporation. Then strikes would diminish or cease altogether, from lack of public approval. H. The unusually large attendance at the Yale- Princeton game, on Thanksgiving day, at Brook lyn, and the interest it excited throughout the country, are the best evidences of the growing popularity of the great college gamp of fpot-ball. THE FREE LANCE. AN EXTRA CTFR OMPRESIDENT A TIT ER TON'S ANNUAL REPORT TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. “Three things at least are still urgently needed, however, before the material appliances of the college will be adequate in all directions. They are as follows:” I.- A building for the Preparatory Department. With the growth of that department and of the main building, even after the removal of the de partments now occupying portions of it, the in dispensable necessity of this change becomes every day more apparent. The methods of dis cipline for preparatory students are so different from those applicable to College students that it is practically impossible to administer the two with in the walls of the same building without some sacrifice of the interests of one or both. With the Preparatory Department in a separate build ing, the arrangements for regulation and control of study hours, and of all class exercises and gen eral exercises, could be so much more effectively managed as not only to increase very greatly the ef ficiency of that department, but to relieve the work of the College proper. Whenever that separa tion becomes possible, it will probably be advis able to lengthen the preparatory course from two years to three, and to make the entire administra tion of the department as distinct as possible from that of the College, to the advantage of both. 2. The Departments of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, and the elementary Department, of Mechanic Arts, are so greatly crowded as to inter fere with the efficiency of their work, and noth ing but the zeal and energy of the Professors in charge, combined with the earnestness of the students in these departments, has prevented the work from suffering greatly on this account, This building should be erected and equipped at a cost of not less than $100,000.00 j not one dol lar of which cpqld be spared for mere architect^ Jtn. 15, 1890.