The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, November 01, 1890, Image 5
THE FREE LANCE. Vol. IV. THE FREE LANCE. Published monthly during the college year by the Students of the Pennsylvania State College. WALTER M. CAMP, ’9l. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: N. H. SuLoiT, ’9l. A. G. McKee, ’9l. F. J. Pond, '92; Lit. Willis McKee, ’92 ; Loc. N. M. Loyd, ’92 ; Exch. E. P. Butts, ’93 ; Loc. R. W. Williamson, ’93; Personal. Business Manager, H. E. Greenwood, ’93, Assistant Manager, Frank Orbin, ’93. ( One' Volume (9 mos. ) TERMS: j Single Copies, . . ( Payable in advance. Contributions of matter and other information are requested from all members and ex-members of tho College. Literary matter should bo addressed to tho Editor. Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be ad dressed to the Business Manager. Entered at State College Post Office as second class matter. OWING to an oversight the numbers on the May and September issues were incorrect. N umber one of volume four began with the May issue; hence the September issue should have been number two instead of number three, (the June issue having been omitted). The October and November issues are respectively three and four. STATE COLLEGE, PA., NOVEMBER, 17, 1890. STAFF: EDITOR, IT is with deep sorrow that we an nounce the death of Geo. R. John son, a former member of’9l. Mr. John son was known among us as a gentle man of high Christian character, who had no enemies, who showed pre-emi • nently that his aim was to please all with whom he came in contact. When one year ago he was compelled by circum stances to engage in business, and to discontinue his college work, his class mates and friends felt that they had lost a companion whose place could not easi ly be filled. Now the thought comes forcibly to us, that not only we, but the community in which he lived, has lost a young man of .high attainments, whose excellent course of life was indicative of a bright and useful future. Mr. Johnson was an athlete of note, being an able member of our football team. During his last year at college, as the older students know, he was en gaged as Business Manager of the Free Lance, which position he filled with honor. .$l.OO >*s :|i f _ :Ji # FROM present indications we shall soon have a branch road connecting our new steam plant with the Buffalo Run R. R. ; The surveys. have been made, the plan is feasible, and it is ex pected that the work will begin soon. The distance is only one mile, but it will No. 4.