Fine Furnishing Goods for Ladies, Misses and Children. Dry Goods, Notions, Domestic and Fine China, a complete line. Prompt attention to mail orders ESTABLISHED 1841. 18. R. Brachbill, No. 20, Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Denlor in and Importer of # Furniture * and * Bedding, * Parlor Furniture, Library Furniture, CHAMBER FURNITURE. Special facilities for furnlshiug fraternal Chapter Houses. Bulbous Flouts for Fall Planting! Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue just issued. Mailed free to all ap plicants. In presenting this catalogue to our friends we can assure them that our stock of Bulbs will compare favorably, in quality and price, with any others sold in this country. We do not deal in second quality or auction Bulbs. All are first quality as will be attested by those who have given them a trial. Send for our Handsome Illustrated Catalogue, X>. LANDRETH cto 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, (between Market ami Chestnut Streets,) | Ami Delaware Avenue and Arch Street, j ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LITHOTYFE PUBLISHING CO., -wIiART PUBLISHERS,^ —II AND II Maifactm of Fine Boot Illustrations, Illustrations for College Publications a Specialty. Estimates cheerfully furnished and Samples sent by mall. THE IVTHOTVPE PUBLISHING CO., GARDNER, MASS. U. S. A. BUNNELL & A IKE: Ftyusic Store, Pianos, Organs and Sheet Music, Christmas Presents, Wedding Presenis. Cor Allegheny & Bishop sts„ CARMAN’S, Bellefonte , Pa. SONS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PICTURES, JEWELRY and WATCHES. [FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Bellefonte, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers