The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, November 01, 1890, Image 20

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    Following we have the newly elected officers of
the Washington and Cresson Literary Societies:
J. H. Yocum..
11. P. Dowler,.
F. G. Smith....
Fred Dale Cor. Secreiary.
F. J. Pond Treasurer
ZZ£.t; y ’j •*-
M. E. McDownell Librarian
11. P. K. Bamberger President
W. B. Motz Vice President.
J. E. Quigley Rec. Secretary.
John White". Cor. Secretary.
11. W. Mattern Treasurer.
J. M. Small, 1
B' Musser, j
TI- R. Pratt
Frank Orbm
'93. J. B. Greer is attending Duffs Commer
cial College at Pittsburg.
’93. George H. Danforth is employed as a
draughtsman by the Pittsburg Bridge Co., of
’92. R. M. Fitch is Principal of the Brough
ton, N. Y. Public Schools.
Ryland W. Green, formerly of ’9l, is on the
University of the Penna’s Boat crew.
’9O. J. M. Walker is studying law at Emporium,
Pa., his home.
’9O. G. A. Beaver spent a few days recently
with his many friends at the College.
’9O. F. A. Bryan is employed as an engineer
by the Denver and Rio Grand R. R. Co., with
headquarters at Leadville, Colorado.
*9o. J. B. Walker, on his road home from the
Y. M, C. A. State Convention at Danville, Pa.,
stopped off at the College for a few days.
’9O. Phil. Gossler has resigned his position with
the Chester Foundry and Machine works at Ches
ter, Pa,, to accept a more lucrative one with the
United States Illuminating and Power Co., of
New York City.
....Vice President
~Rec. Secretary.
’B5. Dugald C. Jackson spent a few days, dur
ing the early part of the month, at his home here
in State College.
Capt. C. W. Roberts, of West Chester, made a
flying trip to the college recently.
George H. I.insz is in the employment of the
Westinghouse Electric Co., at Norristown, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Palmer were the guests,
fora short time recently, of their son Prof. G. G.
M. Beyers, ’B9 of the University of Penn’a.,
has accepted the position of Assistant Instructor
of Civil Engineering in our institution.
J. C. Mock, W. Stevenson, H. McClaren and
C. W. Heppenstall, all former State College stu
dents, are playing on the Allegheny Foot Ball
Eleven, of Pittsburg. A team composed entirely
of college men.
Yale's new gymnasium will cost $ 100,000,
Merrill E. Gates, Ex-President of Rutgers col
college, is the new presiding officer at Amherst.
The Freshman class at Cornell numbers about
430, of whom a large percentage are women,
An examination in gymnastics is now required
of John Hopkins under graduates before a degree
is conferred.
The cost of atheletics in all its branches at
Harvard last year, has been estimated to average
$23.00 for each student.
The Stevens Institute Athletic Association has
withdrawn from the Athletic League, and dropped
foot ball from the list of college sports.
Syracuse University has the finest college build
ing in America, It cost $700,000, and was the
gift of one man.
O. S. Campbell, of Columbia college, won the
tennis championship of America in the recently
held tournament.