THE FREE LANCE. Vol. IV. THE FREE LANCE. Published monthly during the college year by the Students of the Pennsylvania State College, STAFF: WALTER M. CAMP, ’9l. ASSOCIATE EDITORS! A. G. McKee, ’9l N. H. SuLOFF, ’9l F. J. Pond, ’92; Lit. Willis McKee, ’92; Loc. N. M. Loyd, ’92; Exch. J. M. Small, ’93; Loc. R. W. Williamson, ’93; Personal. Business Manager, H. E. Greenwood, ’93, Assistant Manager, C. J. Gikvin, ’93. f One Volume (9 mos ) TERMS: j Sing/e Copies , ( Payable in advance. Contributions of innttoi* and other information arn requested from oil mombci'H and ex-members of the College. Literary matter should be addressed to tho Editor. Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be ad dressed to the lbiHlnosH Manage)'. Kutered at State College Post Office an second class matter OWING to a large amount of work outside of his regular college ex ercises, Mr. Mile has been obliged to resign his services as Exchange Editor of the Free Lance. Although we re alize the circumstances, yet we are sorry to see him leave the staff. Mr. Hile has long been engaged with the Free Lance, and has always filled his posi- STATE COLLEGE, P. EDITOR, , OCTOBER, 1890, tion with credit and honor. Mr. Nelson M. Loyd has been appointed by the class of ’92 to fill the vacancy. Mr. Weidner, owing to press of duty has also resigned his position on the staff of this paper. Although Mr. Weidner was engaged with the Lance but a short time, he leaves with the thanks of the staff for the services which he rendered it. Mr. N. H. Suloff suc ceeds Mr. Weidner. BY a law of Congress passed August 30, our college has had its annual income increased by an appropriation which begins at fifteen thousand dollars yearly, and increases one thousand dol lars a year until the amount reaches twenty-five thousand dollars, which amount will be appropriated yearly thereafter. On a six per cent, basis this is equivalent to an endowment of a quarter of a million now, and in ten years will be worth nearly a half million. What does this mean ? It means that our new buildings are to be more admi rably equipped with apparatus, our overflowing departments furnished more instructors, and in a very short time the departments of instruction which we now have shall be as well equipped as any in the state ; and, providing the leg islature sees fit, our departments can