State College. left, end Mots:, left, tackle Hile, left guard Ililderbrand, centre lleed, right gurad Doivler, U. of P. Williams, Dewey, Thornton, II era man, Bowser, Griffiths, right Tackle Cartwright, SchofF, right end Bolin, Vail (church) quarter back Ault, IKils Thayer, full back Capt. McLean, Taking into consideration tlie position which theU. P. held in the State championship contest last year, our boys could leel well satisfied with this their game with the University. Monday morning found them all to gether and en route to Lancaster, a little stiff from Sat urday’s game, hut otherwise in good shape. At3o'clock sharp the two teams were upon Franklin and Mar shall’s grounds, lined up and rendy for contest. The contest was a hard fought battle for victory. But the superior watching of their efficient trainer, Mr. Irvine, and their heavy charges upon-our rush line were too much tor our boys, and the game closed with the score 10 to oin favor of F. and M. A fairer contest or a more gentlemanly game was never played before by our team. The absence of scrapping and slugging was a notable feature of the game. It is emphatically the sentiment ol our team that the F. and M. boys are gen tlemen, and can play foot ball as such. The arrangement of the teams was : F. & M P. s. c. right end , Bolin, right tackle Cartwright, SionebraUer, Kriok, right gurud Dowler, cen re Rend, left guard Hildebrand, Harold. Line, Wolf, AVitmer, left end. Griffith, Schuller, quarter bach Aull, Gabruel, f . i k } ..i Fay, Not list ine \ l,ackß j Foster, Irvine (capt) full back McLean (cap!) THE JR CHAPLET IN DEFEAT. From u Inincnstei' Paper: There is an especial degree of satisfaction for admir ers of athletic sport in yesterday's victory of the Frank -1 in and Marshall Foot Ball Team over the eleven sturdy visitors Irom the Pennsylvania Stale College. After Saturday's splendid struggle, in which the wearers of the blue and white lowered the white and maroon of Lafayette/ it might well have been expected that the THE FREE LANCE. Renewing our congratulations to the victors of yes terday’s superb contest, the assurance may be given to the young gentlemen of the State College that their de feat in no sense involves discomfiture ; that they will at nil times be welcome guests of Franklin and Mar shall and of the people of Lancaster, and that coupled with the exultant “Nevonia! Nevonia! F. & M.!” lovers of manly sport hereabouts heartily join in the leltmckle .Hilei | cheer. Mot?,, Franklin and Marshall players should show some evi dence of the exhuustion incident to that important and signal triumph. The victory of the home team is sig nificant, crippled ns it was beside by the absence of two skillful and experienced players who were forced by mishaps in Saturday’s game to refrain from lending their aid in the trial of strength and skill with the young gentlemen from the State College. But so far from being disabled or exhausted after their initial test with the would-be champions from Easton, our boys went at their opponents yesterday with a vim and de termination, skill and purpose, that made them invin cible against the muscular vigor of the players of the State College who made such a creditable standing against them. The Franklin and Marshall Team won on its merits, but it is no disparagement to the manly and gentleman ly young visitors to have been beaten in such a game. Throughout the contest the State College players man itesteil a spirit of fairness and courtesy, of entire good humor and appreciation of the merits of their adver saries, that reflected the highest credit on their good breeding and on their gentlemanly instinct that might well be emulated by other clubs who are aiming at dis tinction in the foot ball arena. ‘•F. S. C. 1 Yo-hee! Hep-rah ? Ita 1 Boom 1 Rah I” The above is only one of the many complimentary press notices received by our club while off on its re cent trip. Our students should feel proud of having sent out a team which not only played excellent foot ball, but also was the recipient of s'). mßny notes of praise and admiration for their gentlemanly bearing and honest playing. The team, though slightly han dicapped by the absence of Graham and Foster, did ex cellent work and fought hard to bring home a victory. We congratulate you on your well merited success and feel highly elated that a body of our students should excite such general admiratioiu