Itate College f)otd, STSTE COLLEGE, PH, Largest House and Best Accommo- dations in Town. ’BUSTO AND FROM RL L TRAINS, College Banquets a Specialty. S- S. QRIEB, ADVERTISEMENTS, Steam Heat. I‘i’ojirh‘tor. PEIRCE and COLLEGE PHILADELPHIA, PA. Second, Third and Fourth Floors. Moraine and .Afternoon Sessions ovory week tlnv except Siitur any. Eight Sessions, Monday, Tuesday, nnd Tlnirsduy ovonlngs until April Ist, , Twelve hundred nnd sixty nine (HMD) students Inst yeari Early nppliontion necessary. Solid for enrollment blank, Tpohnlonl kriowlodgo qualifying for businuss, engagements. Full instruction lor commerulnl nnd generaLbusiness voeatlons. Also ah ortliund nnd typewriting. A faculty of more than a score of practical men who have prno, tloed what tlioy tench, ' • • * , liookkeepora, out of counting houses tenehlng bookkoeplng t lawyers tenoliing law nnd business forms; successful high school principal teaching English brnnohos; law reporters tenoliing shorthand nnd typo writing, etc,, etc. 8 “Tills institution hns been exceptionally fortunate in tiiosuo oess ot tho students who have graduated tnerefnim." Office open weekday 'during business hours and oil Motulau. Tuesday and Thursday eitcnhujs fur the enrollment of students. „ ‘ Announcements, ete., sent wlion requested, Visitors lilwnvß welcome. Address, , Thomas May Peirce, M. A., . Pi-innlpnl and Founder. SHORT-HAND, Record Building, 917-919 Chestnut Street.