ichmond Straight Cut No. -*CIGARETTES* Cigarette Smokers who are Willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes, will fund THIS BRAND superior to all others, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the firm name as below Is on every package. ALLEN & GINTER, Manufacturers, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Teo S 1111, State College and Lemont, Pa., DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ta.ble zod Pocket Cutlery, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dried Emits and Garden Seeds. -FLOUR AND FEED.- CHOICE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES ADVERTISEMENTS j. A. FINKBINDER, Nategrapger, OP Bel-LeFONTE.. PTE., solicits the patronage of the students attending PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE for a share of their work, by dealing justly and courteously with all, coupled with moderate prices. We welcome you to our place of business. WATER STREET, OPPOSITR BUSH Housn, BELLEFONTE, PA. BOOTS pRtITT c WHITNEY HARTFORD, CONN., U. S. A. MAUFACTURERS OF Taps, Dies, Reamers, Ratchet Drills, Lathe Chucks, Standard Size Cylindrical and Caliper Gauges, Milling Cutters. The Kennedy Spiral Shear Punch, The Hill Improved Automatic Grain Scale. I.C.A.C=ST= TOCDT-F'. AB -Illustrated Catalogue and Price List furnished on application. STABLISHED 1841 No. 20 Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa FLIINIIIILINE AND BEDDING, PARLOR FURNITURE, Special Facilities for Furnishing Fraternal Chapter Houses E. L. POWERS, sHoes, Bellefonte, Penna w. R. BRRCHBILL, Dealer and Importer of LIBRARY FURNITURE, CHAMBER FURNITURE.