17 1 - 131 , - GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT PIANO .1 FORTES. FIFTY YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC Upon their excellence alone have attained an UN PURCHASED PRE-EMINENCE, which establishes them as unequalled in TONE, WORKMANSHIP, TOUCH AND DURABILITY. 1112 Fifth Avenue, New York, W ARRROOMS 2 Nos. 22 211 d 24 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md, No, 817 Market Space, Washington, D. C. HELLER & BRIGHTLY, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, Ridge Ave. and Spring Carden St, Philadelphia. iskpljE Mk "4l t, Heller & 13rightly's Instruments are exclusively used for purposes of in struction nt Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology. Sheffield Sci. School of Vale College, Western University of Pa. Fisk University. Oregon State University. California State University, Dartmouth College. Maine State College. The Pennsylvania Slate College. G A N/ sig`ol" TRRUTWINE'S POCKET-BOOR " Without doubt it has proved itself to be the most useful band-book in the language, for the engineering profession."—Evinecring and Mining Journal, August 25th, 1888, JOHN WILEY & SONS, I F. & F. N. SPON, NEW YORK. ePENCERIAN 'FEEL PENS Are the Best, IN THE ESSENTIAL QUALITIES Op Durability, Evenness of Point, and Workmanship. re ll egl 4 :l IvisON, BLAKEMAN & "ita ADVERTISEMENTS. BIIOOIRIIOIT 110 CEO. B. BRAND Rochester Clothing J-I YOU WILL FIND AN lILUGANT !MIR OF MEN'S, HOTS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, at prices 10 • the Lowest. Also, a good line of HATS, VA and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ALLBGIII.ENT STRE M. FA ÜBL E, FORMERLY WITH S. & A HORST'MANN BROS, & Fenelco; Foils, Swords, (nut s, Gauntlets, Masks, Shoes, Jnekels Boxing Gloves. LONDON Boating Hosiery of al Polo, Pool. 101 l an Ser semi I 0. itiustni BELLEFONTE, PA. PROPRIETOR c CLOTHING (Reynold's New Bank Building,) EsTmit.isitED 1815 Fifth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphi GYMNASIUM BOAT IN G GO I kinds. Shins, Pants, Hose ai it Bicycle Jerseys, Nodely Badges, P etc., etc, ed Catalogue. ptek‘ G I LL 0 77-1 8 Zfeef '''eno. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. His Celebrated Numbers, 303-404 170-604-332, and his other gyres maybe had q/ all dealers throughout the world. Joseph Gillett & Sons, New York.