The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1889, Image 8

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    lower drudgeries of life, nevertheless is uni
versal when referred to the higher planes of the
business and social world. Even in sporting
and amusement circles the same partiality is do
minant. Says a writer in one of our Southern
exchanges, commenting on the fact that one
of the guards of the Harvard foot-ball team
was a negro. “If anyone wants to precipitate
a ‘race conflict’ in North Carolina, let him
organize negro foot-ball teams. The Spanish
bull fight would sink into insignificance.”
How readily and quickly an inhuman white
man or insane negro, taking advantage of these
prejudices and animosities, would precipitate
a conflict between the two races, could only
be known should the occasion arise. Dema-
gogues and sentimentalists have endeavored
to close our eyes to any present danger, but
it exists notwithstanding.
Divers and diverse have been the theories
advanced for the amelioration of the negro
and the removal of this prejudice and harsh
feeling existing between the two races. Per
haps the most familiar of these is the scheme
of transferring him to a western State, to a
South or Central American country, or even
to his former African home. Only recently
a writer in the Atkencemn recommended estab
lishing another African colony and transport-
ing the negroes thence. Our experiment
with Liberia has certainly not proved a suc
cess,- but however this may be, no one party
or community of thinking has yet united in
accepting any of these plans. Till some de
finite and acceptable plan is proposed, if ever,
let the process of negro education as advanced
and advocated by Senator Bruce, by all means
be established. Having freed the black man,
our country, if it retains him, is under the same
responsibility to educate him. The north
ern negro is not alone in his desire for enlight
enment, his southern brother is just as anxious.
Give him the facilities, even if it must
be, at government expense. This will at least
tend to restrain race sentiment. If the black'
man is incapable of accommodating himself
to our ways and habits, as some claim, at least,
in the absence of something better, give him
a fair trial of being educated up to them.
Education has performed many wonderful
things, it may succeed even in this.
WE would like to call the attention of
the Board of Trustees to the question
of dancing at the college. There is no doubt,
but that the subject will be considered by them
during the January meeting and we are
unable to form an opinion as to the pro
bable result. There is a general feeling
among the students that some members of
the board, who object to dancing, do not
appreciate the fact that the character of the
men now at the institution is far different
from that of its students of past years and
that to make up for the otherwise unenjoyable
social condition of the institution it should
grant the privilege of dancing, at least, at
specified times during each term.
We have noticed that, during the year,
four well known colleges of our country have
inaugurated rules requiring dancing as part
of their regular training and all of the best
military schools pronounce its effects as in
dispensable to thorough physical culture,
The action taken by the faculty in extend
ing the holiday vacation was one for which it
is receiving many expressions of praise among
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