The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1889, Image 4
The Latest in everything. We solicit your Winter orders. •* O R D B R IN- Periodicals, Commercial Printing, Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Mathematical Instruments, Rubber Stamps, etc. etc., at lowest rates, through McKEE BROS., STATE COLLEGE, PA, LANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS Are grown from Seed Stocks, the result of cnreful selection, in trial beds, especially devoted to that purpose, trial beds are nothing new, ns many persons suppose, having been used by this house over one hundred years. Our new RURAL REGISTER and CATALOGUE for 1890 is now in press, and will he forwarded fre all applicants, IV,• [>u/>fisft in seven differ,'nt hi nonages. OUR ASSORTMENT OF FLOWER SEEDS Embraces the Choicest Varieties. HORTICULTURAL TOOLS AND GARDEN REQUISITES IN GREAT VARIETY. Send for our Handsome Illustrated Catalogue. D. LANDRETH & SONS, 21 and 23 South sixth Street, (between Market and Chestnut Sts.), j «LIII Ann BUI And Delaware Avenue and Arch Street, j PHILADELPHI GARMAN’S Bellefonte, The [ithotype publishing Co ART PUBLISHERS, AND Manufacturers of Fine Book Illustrali ILLUSTRATIONS FOR COLLEGE PU LICATIONS A SPECIALTY. Estimates cheerfully furnished and Samples sent by THE LITHOTYPE PUBLISHING CO., GARDNER, MASS., U. Bunnell § {3i^en music STORE, Pianos, Organs & Sheet M PICTURES, JEWELRY AN WATCHES. Frames Made to Or< FANCY # GOOBS. Cfirisltnas Presents. Wedding Pr Cor. ALLEGHENY and BISHOP ST BELLEFONTE