SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order, NECKWEAR in abundance, Alonlfomery f Co., T^ilor^, I BeLLeFONTe, Ph. BEAVER, GEPHART & DALE, Cliprpo^NßYS-Arn-LIAW, Established 1881 p| 205, 207, 200 and 21 M D. SNYDER, DEALER IN Di>iJ Ejoods, Gji , ocei l ie& NOTION'S, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Flour and Feed, STATE COLLEGE, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS The finest line of Woolens always on hand—all through the year. BELLEFONTE, PA ER & AMEND, CHEMICALS * CHEMICAL APPARATUS. Bohemian Glassware, Nickelware, German Glass Goods, Platinware, German Por celains, Balances and Weights, Filter Papers, Graduated Ware, etc.,etc. All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles. Sole Agents for Renowned Factories. I Third Avenue, Cor. 18th St., New York. A largo and varlod assortment of It ATS, CAPS and GENTLEMEN’S FUUNISHING GOODS. TELLER’S BUSH + HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. Importers and Manufacturers of Eight Principals, Eleven Assistants, and a number for Music, also Art and Specialties. Send stamp for applica tion form and circulars of information to Fs