The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1889, Image 19

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    boring town, for the purpose of playing base
ball, was a sufficient inducement for every
man in college to try for positions in the
club. The completion of a new gymnasium
will doubtless fill the clubs with more for
midable men.
What to me has been the most progressive
step was the inauguration of a college paper
and annual. The Free Lance has steadily
grown in worth as well as size, and must, I
am sure, rank high among its contemporaries.
The annual, which made its first appearance
last year, was a most creditable production,
and should be continued.
But with all this activity of the under
graduates, may we expect them to retain a
reasonable interest in their college after they
are graduated ? If we are to judge by ninety
per cent, of those who have been graduated,
we would say emphatically, n‘o, The ques
tion which meets the Alumni Association,
the publishers of the college paper, or any
enterprise which should be of interest to ex
students is, can we succeed without any as
sistance from the majority of the Alumni ?
’Tis true the narrow scope of the college’s
work formerly, and its unenviable reputation
abroad, in times past, were not calculated to
provoke a student’s enthusiasm or even main
tain a decent interest in his Alma Mater.
These reasons will not, however, explain the
apathy of the graduate of the last half dozen
years. We feel that the fault must reside in
the management and discipline of the col
lege, The Alumni of two and three years
are credited with the same indifference as
those of a dozen years. There cannot be the
same love engendered between the students
and those in control as is noted elsewhere,
and which instils within a man a lifelong ad
miration for his college. An institution of
learning does not fulfil its work by giving
merely the prescribed instruction in a specific
course. Its formative influence should be
noticeable in all turns in subsequent life.
The increase in the number of students
does not seem to have brought increased fa
cilities for handling them. The government
is the same old impracticable system that has
been in vogue for years. The State College
students of to-day are vastly different from
those of a farmer’s high school. It is to
their credit that they have so long submitted
themselves to an absolute ruling, which gives
satisfaction to no one, unless it be to the gov
erning power.
It may be that too many responsibilities
are unloaded upon one or two who have the
direct authority. With more buildings, stu
dents, etc,, should come more instructors and
managers. It is not to be expected that one
man can represent the dignified interests of
the college abroad, and at the same time man
age its financial business, look after the farm,
have a care of the students, do class-room
work and attend to the manifold details in
every department. So many responsibilities
should not be forced upon one, nor should he
be allowed to assume them. The college
must suffer, the students’ interests will be
neglected. There should be a division.
Let there be a remodeling, uproot the dis
affecting spirit, give to the students the same
generous and manly treatment accorded those
of similar institutions, and we shall find the
graduates of the future will prove devoted
and loyal to their Alma Mater. Alumnus.
’77. Rev. George A. Landes, of Coritiba,
Brazil, who has been in America for some
months, spent a few days about the college
during November. On the morning of the
24th he preached in the Presbyterian Church
in the village, and in the afternoon delivered
to the students in the chapel a very interest
ing and instructive lecture on Brazil. He
presented to the botanical department some
very valuable specimens of birds and plants
which he had collected in South America.
He expects to return to Brazil in a short time.